The 30t o Aprile is the 120t day o the year (121st in lowp years) in the Gregorian Calendar, wi 245 days ti come.
1789: Inauguration o George Washington
1803: Louisiana Purchase
1812: Banner o Louisiana
- 1789 - George Washington becomes the first Preses o the Unitit States.
- 1802 - The Puentes Reservoir Break in Spain kills 608 fowk.
- 1803 - The Unitit States purchases the Louisiana territory frae Fraunce, greatly increasin its laund aurie.
- 1812 - Louisiana becomes a state o the Unitit States.
- 1838 - Nicaragua declares unthirldom frae the Central American Federation.
- 1863 - American Ceevil War: The Battle o Chancellorsville stairts.
- 1900 - Hawaii becomes a Unitit States territory.
- 1907 - Honolulu becomes an independent ceety.
- 1908 - Japanese smaw cruiser "Matsushima" sinks efter a muneetions splosion naur Taiwan, killin 206 oot o 347 men on baird.
- 1941 - Warld War II: Naur Rockall, Breetish passenger an freight steamer "Nerissa" is sunk bi a German U-boat, killin 207 fowk.
- 1945 - Warld War II: Adolf Hitler an Eva Braun commit suicide; The Red Airmy raises the Banner o the Soviet Union ower Berlin's Reichstag biggin.
- 1945 - Warld War II: Unitit States troops tak Munich.
- 1952 - The Diary o Anne Frank is published in the Inglis leid.
- 1975 - The Faw o Saigon ends the Vietnam War.
- 1980 - Juliana o the Netherlands abdicates the throne in favour o her dochter, Beatrix.
- 1980 - The Siege at the Iranian Embassy in Lunnon stairts.
- 1993 - The Warld Wide Web is released for use.
- 1993 - Tennis: Monica Seles is stabbed at a toornament in Germany bi an obsessed fan o her rival, Steffi Graf.
- 1994 - Austrick racin driver Roland Ratzenberger dees in a crash in practice for the San Marino Grand Prix; Ayrton Senna is kilt in a crash at the Grand Prix the naxt day.
- 1999 - Cambodie jyns ASEAN.
- 2009 - An attemptit attack on the Dutch Ryal Faimily in Apeldoorn results in 7 daiths, efter a car is driven intae a crowd.
- 2012 - A ferry capsizes on the Brahmaputra River in Indie, killin 103 fowk.
- 2013 - Beatrix o the Netherlands abdicates the throne in favour o her son, Willem-Alexander.
- 2019 - Emperor Akihito o Japan abdicates the throne in favour o his son, Naruhito.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Juliana o the Netherlands
- 1245 - Philip III o Fraunce (d. 1285)
- 1310 - Casimir III the Great, King o Poland (d. 1368)
- 1514 - Alexander Stewart, Duke o Ross (d. 1515)
- 1586 - Saunt Rose o Lima, first Catholic saunt o Americae (d. 1617)
- 1602 - Robert Baillie, Scots writer (d. 1662)
- 1662 - Mary II, Queen o Scots (d. 1694)
- 1777 - Carl Friedrich Gauss, German mathemateecian, astronomer an pheesicist (d. 1855)
- 1823 - George Campbell, 8t Duke o Argyll, Scots peer an politeecian (d. 1902)
- 1883 - Jaroslav Hasek, Czech humorist, writer, jurnalist an anarchist (d. 1923)
- 1893 - Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Meenister o Nazi Germany (d. 1946)
- 1901 - Simon Kuznets, American economist (d. 1985)
- 1909 - Juliana o the Netherlands (d. 2004)
- 1916 - Claude Shannon, American mathemateecian an electrical ingineer (d. 2001)
- 1920 - Captain Tom, Inglis Warld War II veteran an NHS fundraiser
- 1946 - Carl XVI Gustaf o Swaden
- 1948 - Perry King, American actor
- 1949 - António Guterres, Secretar-General o the Unitit Naitions
- 1954 - Kim Darroch, Breetish diplomat
- 1956 - Lars von Trier, Dens film director
- 1959 - Stephen Harper, 22nt Prime meenister o Canadae
- 1967 - Philipp Kirkorov, Bulgarie-Roushie sangster
- 1968 - Verona Pooth, German celebrity
- 1969 - Justine Greening, Inglish politeecian
- 1980 - Sam Heughan, Scots actor
- 1982 - Kirsten Dunst, American actress
- 1985 - Gal Gadot, Israeli actress an model
- 1986 - WP Nel, Sooth African-Scots rugby union player
- 1989 - Baauer, American record producer
- 1994 - Craig Benson, Scots soummer
- 65 - Lucan, Roman poet (b. 39)
- 1362 - Sigismund III Vasa, King o Poland an Swaden
- 1883 - Edouard Manet, French penter (b. 1832)
- 1945 - Eva Braun, mistress an wife o Adolf Hitler (b. 1912)
- 1945 - Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader (b. 1889)
- 1956 - Alben W. Barkley, Vice Preses o the Unitit States (b. 1877)
- 1959 - Alex Venters, Scots fitbawer (b. 1913)
- 1983 - Muddy Waters, American muisicker (b. 1913)
- 1985 - Scot Symon, Scots fitbawer (b. 1911)
- 1989 - Sergio Leone, Italian film director (b. 1929)
- 1994 - Roland Ratzenberger, Austrick racin driver (b. 1960)
- 2011 - Eddie Turnbull, Scots fitbawer (b. 1923)
- 2015 - Ben E. King, American sangster (b. 1938)
- 2016 - Harry Kroto, Inglis chemist (b. 1939)
Walpurgis Nicht bonfire in Swaden
- Eat day o the follaein saunts in the Roman Catholic Kirk:
- Walpurgis Nicht
- Umwhile Koninginnedag (Queen's Day) in the Netherlands
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