Khabarovsk Krai
Khabarovsk Krai (Roushie: Хаба́ровский край, Khabarovsky kray) is a federal subject o Roushie (a krai), locatit in the Roushie Far East. It lies maistly in the basin o the lawer Amur River, but occupees a vast muntainous area alang the coastline o the Okhotsk Sea, an airm o the Paceefic Ocean. The administrative center o the krai is the city o Khabarovsk. The indigenous fowk o the area are the Evenks, Negidals, Ulchs, Nanai, Oroch, Udege, an Amur Nivkhs.[1]

eedit5t century-900
eeditAccordin tae various Cheenese an Korean records, the soothren pairt o Khabarovsk Krai wis oreeginally occupee'd ane o the five semi-nomadic Shiwei, the Bo Shiwei tribes an the Black Watter Mohe tribes livin respectively on the wast an the east o the Bureinsky an the Malyi Khingan ranges.
17t century-1850
eeditIn 1643, Vassili Poyarkov's boats descendit the Amur, returnin tae Yakutsk bi the Sea o Okhotsk an the Aldan River, an in 1649–1650 Yerofey Khabarov occupied the banks o the Amur. The resistance o the Cheenese, housomeivver, obliged the Cossacks tae quit thair forts, an bi the Treaty o Nerchinsk (1689) Roushie abandoned her advance intae the basin o the river.
Awtho losin the richts tae navigate the Amur River, the Cheenese Qing Dynasty, housomeivver, niver claimed the lawer courses o the river. Nikolay Muravyov insistit on conductin an aggressive policy wi Cheenae bi claimin that the lawer reaches o the Amur River belang tae the Roushies.
Later in 1852, a Roushie military expedeetion unner Muravyov explored the Amur, an bi 1857 a chain o Roushie Cossacks an peasants wur settled alang the whole course o the river. The accomplished fact wis recognised bi Cheenae in 1858 bi the Treaty o Aigun, recognised the Amur River as the bundary atween Roushie an Qing Empire, an grantit Roushie free access tae the Paceefic Ocean.
eeditKhabarovsk Krai shares its borders wi Magadan Oblast in the north, wi the Sakha Republic an Amur Oblast in the wast, wi the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Fowkrepublic o Cheenae, an Primorsky Krai in the sooth, an is leemitit bi the Sea o Okhotsk in the east. It is the fowert-lairgest federal destrict athin the Roushie Federation, wi a comparative land area slichtly lairger than that o the U.S. state o Texas.
Taiga an tundra in the north, swampy forest in the central depression, an deciduous forest in the sooth are the naitural vegetation in the area.
eeditKhabarovsky Krai is the maist industrialized territory o the Far East o Roushie, producin 30% o the tot industrial products in the Far Eastren Economic Region. The machine construction industry consists primarily o a heichlie developed military-industrial complex o lairge scale aircraft an ship biggin enterprises.[2] The Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association is currently ane o amang Khabarovsk Krai's maist successfu enterprises, an for years haes been the lairgest taxpayer o the territory.[2] Ither major industries include timberwirkin an fishin, alang wi metallurgy in the main ceeties, awtho the krai's awn mineral resoorces are poorly developed. Komsomolsk-on-Amur is the iron an steel centre o the Far East; a pipeline frae northren Sakhalin supplees the petroleum-refinin industry in the ceety o Khabarovsk. In the Amur basin, thare is some cultivation o wheat an soybeans. The caipital ceety, Khabarovsk, is at the junction o the Amur River an the Trans-Siberian railway.
Admeenistrative diveesions
eeditAccordin tae the 2002 Census, 89.8% o the population are Roushies, 3.4% Ukrainians, 0.77% Nanais, 0.76% Tatars 0.66% Koreans an 0.62% Belaroushies.
In addition tae the Nanai, ither indigenous groups include the Evenks an Evens in the northren pairt o the province, an Ulchs in the lawer Amur river (Ulchsky Destrict). Some Nivkhs (Gilyak), an indigenous fishin fowk speakin an isolate leid, live aroond the Amur river delta as well. Smawer groups indigenous tae the airt are Negidals (567), Orochs (686), an Udege (1,657) accordin tae the 2002 census.
- Births (2009): 17,573 (12.5 per 1000)
- Daiths (2009): 19,115 (13.6 per 1000)[3]
- Urban Births (2009): 13,612 (12.1 per 1000)
- Rural Births (2009): 3,961 (14.5 per 1000)
- Urban Daiths (2009): 15,472 (13.7 per 1000)
- Rural Daiths (2009): 3,643 (13.3 per 1000)[4]
Birth rate for 2008 is 5.2% heicher than that in 2007 an daith rate is 1.4% lawer. Birth rate wis recordit at 11.6 for 2007 (11.1 for Urban areas an 13.8 for Rural areas). Daith rate wis 14.2 in 2007 (14.3 for Urban areas an 14.0 for Rural areas). Rural locations o Khabarovsk Krai haed a positive naitural growthe o population in 2008 (For the first time in the last 16 year).[4]
eeditThare are the follaein institutions o heicher eddication in Khabarovsk Krai.[5][6]
- Pacific Naitional University
- Far Eastren State University o Humanities
- Far Eastren State Medical University
- Khabarovsk State Academy o Economics an Law
- Far Eastren State Transport University
- Far Eastren Academy o Govrenment Services
- Far Eastren State Pheesical Eddication University
- Khabarovsk State Institute o Airts an Cultur
- Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University
- Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Pedagogical institute
Sister destricts
eedit- ↑ Chaussonnet, p.109
- ↑ a b
- ↑ "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 15 Februar 2009. Retrieved 16 September 2011.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- ↑ a b "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 15 Februar 2009. Retrieved 16 September 2011.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- ↑ "The Institutions of Higher Education in Khabarovsk Krai". Archived frae the original on 28 December 2005. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
- ↑ "The Universities in Khabarovsk". Archived frae the original on 26 Mairch 2016. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
- ↑ "Gyeongsangnam-do official website English". Archived frae the original on 21 September 2008. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
- ↑ "Sister cities of the Hyogo Prefecture". Archived frae the original on 29 October 2007. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
eedit- Хабаровская краевая Дума. №150 30 ноября 1995 г. «Устав Хабаровского края», в ред. Закона №202 от 30 июля 2008 г. (Khabarovsk Krai Duma. #150 November 30, 1995 Charter of Khabarovsk Krai, as amended by the Law #202 of July 30, 2008. ).
- Chaussonnet, Valerie (1995) Native Cultures of Alaska and Siberia. Arctic Studies Center. Washington, D.C. 112p. ISBN 1560986611
Freemit airtins
eedit- Media relatit tae Khabarovsk Krai at Wikimedia Commons
- (in Inglis)Informations concernin the Shiwei tribes an their relationship wi the Khitans Archived 2007-09-26 at the Wayback Machine
- (in Roushie) Brief history o Khabaovsk Krai Archived 2012-12-21 at