Sun Yat-sen (/ˈsʊn ˈjɑːtˈsɛn/; 12 November 1866 – 12 Mairch 1925)[1][2] wis the foondin faither o the Republic o Cheenae. The first proveesional preses o the Republic o Cheenae, Sun wis a Cheenese physeecian, writer, filosofer, Georgist[3][4], calligrafer[5] an revolutionary. As the foremaist pioneer an first leader o a Republican Cheenae, Sun is referred tae as the "Faither o the Naition" in the Republic o Cheenae (ROC) an the "forerunner o democratic revolution" in the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae (PRC). Sun played an instrumental role in the owerthraw o the Qing dynasty (the last imperial dynasty o Cheenae) in the years leadin up tae the Xinhai Revolution. He wis appyntit tae serve as Proveesional Preses o the Republic o Cheenae whan it wos foondit in 1912. He later co-foondit the Kuomintang (Naitionalist Pairty o Cheenae), servin as its first leader.[6] Sun wis a unitin feegur in post-Imperial Cheenae, an he remeens unique amang 20t-century Cheenese politeecians for bein widely revered amangst the fowk frae baith sides o the Taiwan Strait.

Sun Yat-Sen
孫文 / 孫中山 / 孫日新 / 孫逸仙
other names
Proveesional Preses o the Republic o Cheenae
In office
1 Januar 1912 – 10 Mairch 1912
Vice PresesLi Yuanhong
Precedit biPuyi (Emperor o Cheenae)
Succeedit biYuan Shikai
Premier o the Kuomintang o Cheenae
In office
10 October 1919 – 12 Mairch 1925
Precedit biHimsel (as Premier o Cheenese Revolutionary Pairty)
Succeedit biZhang Renjie (as chairman)
Personal details
Born12 November 1866(1866-11-12)
Xiangshan Coonty, Guangdong, Qing Empire
Dee'd12 Mairch 1925(1925-03-12) (aged 58)
Beijing, Cheenae
Restin placeSun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Nanjing, Jiangsu
American (1904–1909)
Poleetical pairtyKuomintang
Ither poleetical
Cheenese Revolutionary Pairty
Spoose(s)Lu Muzhen (1885–1915)
Kaoru Otsuki (1903–1906)
Soong Ching-ling (1915–1925)
Domestic partnerChen Cui-fen (1892-1925)
BairnsSun Fo
Sun Yan
Sun Wan
Fumiko Miyagawa (b. 1906)
Alma materHong Kong College o Medicine for Cheenese

Awtho Sun is conseedert tae be ane o the greatest leaders o modren Cheenae, his poleetical life wis ane o constant struggle an frequent exile. Efter the success o the revolution an the Han Cheenese regainin pouer efter 268 years o leevin unner Manchurian rule (Qing dynasty), he quickly resigned frae his post as Preses o the newly foondit Republic o Cheenae tae Yuan Shikai, an led successive revolutionary govrenments as a challenge tae the warlairds that controlled muckle o the naition. Sun did nae leeve tae see his pairty consolidate its pouer ower the kintra in the Northren Expedeetion. His pairty, that formed a fragile alliance wi the Cheenese Communist Pairty, split intae twa factions efter his daith.

Sun's chief legacy resides in his developin o the poleetical filosofie kent as the Three Principles o the Fowk: naitionalism (Han Cheenese naitionalism: unthirldom frae imperialist domination – takkin back pouer frae the Manchurian Qing dynasty), “richts o the fowk,” whiles translatit as “democracy,”[7] an the fowk's liveliheid (juist society).[8][9]


  1. Singtao daily. Setturday edition. 23 October 2010. 特別策劃 section A18. Sun Yat-sen Xinhai revolution 100th anniversary edition 民國之父.
  2. "Chronology of Dr. Sun Yat-sen". National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. Archived frae the original on 16 Apryle 2014. Retrieved 12 Mairch 2014.
  3. Karl Williams, "Sun Yat-sen And Georgism" Archived 2018-04-23 at the Wayback Machine
  4. Archived version:
  5. Tingyou Chen, Chinese Calligraphy, Cambridge University Press (2011), p. 113
  6. Derek Benjamin Heater. [1987] (1987). Our world this century. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-913324-6.
  7. "Three Principles of the People". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 15 Mey 2017.
  8. Trescott, Paul B. (2007). Jingji Xue: The History of the Introduction of Western Economic Ideas Into China, 1850–1950. Chinese University Press. pp. 46–48. 'The teachings of your single-taxer, Henry George, will be the basis of our program of reform.'
  9. Schoppa, Keith R. [2000] (2000). The Columbia guide to modern Chinese history. Columbia university press. ISBN 0-231-11276-9, ISBN 978-0-231-11276-5. p 282.