Walcome eedit

Braw that ye're here,! Walcome til the Wikipedie in Scots: the first encyclopedie in the Scots leid!

Guid tae see ye. Some gibbles ye'll find uissfu:

  • Gin ye are interestit in writin airticles we bid ye hae a read o wir page anent writin Scots. Ye micht aiblins find thir dictionars helpfu.
  • For tae caw the crack anent the technical wirkins o the Wikipedie, gang til the Mercat Cross.
  • Bi gaun throu the Commontie Yett ye'll can find aw kynd o wittins adae wi uisin an eikin til the Wikipedie.
  • For tae hae a sey shottie, veesit oor Saundpit.

Dinna haud yer wheesht, haud yer ain!

  Whaur is yer hametoun? Varlaam (talk) 04:54, 21 Dizember 2012 (UTC)

Schottisch? eedit

Bitte, Herr (oder Frau) Bielefeld, sind Sie schottisch? Ja oder nein?
Are you a Scot? It would be very helpful to know. Varlaam (talk) 20:37, 3 Januar 2013 (UTC)Reply