Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up
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This airticle is pairt o the Wikipaedia Lessons |
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Aye Aye! Walcome til the Wikipaedia Lessons. Wikipaedia is a jyntlie edited Internet encyclopaedia that you can contreibute til bi eikin an editin yer ain wittins. This series o pages will gie ye the foonds o skill and knowledge that ye'll need ti stairt helpin us big this project.
Ilka page will spaek aboot a uisefu pairt o the wiki saftware, a bit o style an content guidance, wittins aboot the Wikipaedia community, or important Wikipaedia policies an conventions.
Mind that this is lessons, nae the laist word on policy nor a full haundbeuk. Gin ye want mair details, aa throu the lessons there's wiki airtins til ither Wikipaedia pages. Thae pages haev mair wittins on the topics here. Ye needna leuk at them the nou, but dae it gif ye want. Ye micht want til open them in anither windae (or anither tag gin yer brouser haes them), sae ye can keep til the lessons.
There'll be airtins ti spaces whaur ye can practice whit ye're lairning. Tak the chance ti gie things a shottie an mess aboot. Naebody'll fash gin ye mess up an experiment in the practice areas, sae gie it a go an see whit ye can dae.
Mind: For the location of airtins spaken aboot in the lessons, we assume ye're uising the defaut page leyoot. Gin ye're loggit in as a registered uiser, an ye've chyngit yer defaut settins, they micht be somewey else.
Ready? Then let's get yokit - but we dae bid ye hae a read o wir page anent writin Scots aforehaund.
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up