Wikipedia:Lessons (Editin)
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up
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This airticle is pairt o the Wikipaedia Lessons |
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Editin pages is ane o the maist eith weys o haein fun wi Wikipaedia.
Editin pages
eeditThis is wiki featur that'a aye tae the fore: Edit this page!. Wi the exception o a puckle proteckit pages, ilka wiki page haes an airtin at the tap that says "edit this page" (whyles it's juist labelt "Edit", an some brousers shaws it at the dowp end). This airtin lats ye dae juist whit it says: edit the page ye're leukin at. Steids like thir whaur oniebodie can edit ocht is kent as wikis. Gie it a shottie in the saundpit, an syne sneck the "edit this page" airtin. Ye'll see the wiki code for that page. Eik something fun or interestin like "Mair fun nor a poke o kitlins", syne hain it an see whit ye've duin! Ye'll get mair detail at Wikipedia:Whit wey til edit a page.
Scance ower
eeditAn important featur ti stairt uisin richt awa is Scance ower, sith it lats ye see whit the page'll leuk like aifter yer edit, but afore ye hain ocht. Ettle at makkin an edit in the saundpit, syne sneck the "Scance ower" button. We aa mak mistaks (aye, we div that), an this lats ye catch them imedently. Gin ye mak a habit o uisin "Scance ower" afore hainin, ye'll sauf yersel an ither editors a hantle fash. Forby it lats ye sey format chynges athoot raellie chyngin the airticle til ye're happy wi it.
This is byordinar important gin ye think ye micht be makkin ither edits on the page. It is a guid thing ti hain juist ance, for ti haud the page history clear. Forby thon, hainin less aften is a wey tae evyte the edit conflicts, that happens whan twa editors tries ti chynge a page at the ae time. Houaniver, whan ye chynge muckle swathes o text ye shuid conseider daein it ae step aifter anither (e.g. the ae paragraph at a time) sae that ithers can follae yer edits quick an eith.
Anither important thing ti mind is ti hain the edits that ye'v scanced ower afore muvin on. A common mistak is ti sneck on the scance page, read throu it, an syne sneck throu ti ither pages an mind ti gang back an hain yer chynges. Doutless ye shuid sneck aw the airtins ye've eikit for tae be siccar they gang whaur ye expeck, but sneck back imedently, an hain yer oreiginal edit. A braw wey ti mind this is ti focus on daein awa wi the reid afore lea'in a page aathegither.
Edit summary
eeditAfore ye knuise "Hain page", it's conseidered the richt thing ti gie a wee summary o yer chynges in the "Edit summary" kistie atween the edit windae an the "Hain page" an "Scance ower" buttons. It can be rael cuttie; for exemplar gin ye juist enter "typo", fowk will ken ye richtit a wee spellin or punctuation mishanter, or some ither smaa chynge.
Daff aboot in the saundpit gin ye'd like til, syne continue wi the lessons.
Wikipaedia can be a deal o fun ance ye get uised wi it!
Gang on wi the lessons.
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up