Beqaa Govrenorate

Beqaa (Arabic: البقاع‎) is a govrenorate in Lebanon wi a population o 750,000 indwallers.



The Beqaa govrenorate covers an area o 4,429 km². Béqaa is the primary centre o Lebanon's agricultur. The Beqaa govrenorate forms the main geographical extension o Lebanon an it lies atween the Wastren an Eastren Lebanese Muntain ranges. Twa rivers run throu Béqaa: the Litani River an the Asi River

It encompasses Beqaa Valley.

Climate an tourism


The temperature ranges frae -10 tae 35 °C throughoot the year. Béqaa receives hivy rain an snaw durin the winter.

The veelages o Zahlé, Baalbeck, Niha, Anjar, Qab Elias, Kfar Zabad, Karaon Dam, Chtaura an Furzul are the aurie's main tourism destinations. The govrenorate o Béqaa lies on the auncient route atween Lebanon, Sirie, an the rest o the Arab warld. The govrenorate is kent for its wine industry, simmer festivals, an its cuisine.

Releegion in the Beqaa Govrenorate


Shia maks the majority wi 42.25%; Christians maks the seicont maist wi 29.94%; Sunni maks the third wi 24.28%; Druze are the last wi 3.53%.



