Victoria, Lunnon
Victoria is a commercial an residential aurie o inner ceety Lunnon, lyin wholly athin the Ceety o Wastmeenster, namit efter Queen Victoria.

The aurie is vaguely defined as the streets aroond Victoria Station, includin Victoria Street, Buckingham Palace Road, Wilton Road, Grosvenor Gardens, an Vauxhall Bridge Road. Victoria consists predominantly o commercial property an private an social hoosin, wi retail uises alang the main streets.
Victoria contains ane o the busiest transport interchynges in Lunnon, includin the leetit railway station an the unnergrund station, as well as Terminus Place, which is a major hub for bus an taxi services. Victoria Coach Station, 800m soothwast o the railway station, provides road-coach services tae lang-distance UK an continental destinations.
Victoria Street runs on an east-wast axis frae Victoria station tae Broad Sanctuary at Wastmeenster Abbey. Cardinal Place, athort the street frae Wastmeenster Cathedral, opened in 2006 an contains a selection o restaurants, banks an shops, includin a Marks and Spencer store. Further alang the street, there is a lairge House of Fraser depairtment store (umwhile the Army & Navy) opposite Wastmeenster Ceety Haw. At the Broad Sanctuary end is the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills biggin, the heidquarters o Transport for London at Windsor House, an New Scotland Yard, heidquarters o the Metropolitan Police Service.
Local schuils
eeditThree notable schuils are closest tae the Victoria neebourheid, Westminster City School for Boys an Coat Hospital for Girls, as well the independent Westminster School at Deans Yard near Westminster Abbey.