Gin ye finnd this page on onie ither wabsteid nor Wikipaedia, than ye'r keekin at a copie. Mynd that the page micht be oot o date an that the uiser micht hae nae personal affeiliation tae onie steid ither nor Wikipaedia itsel. The firstlin page can be fund at
Ma mither tongue isnae Scots. A'm sairie fur ony mistaks a mak. Please mend ony thit ye find.
I'm not going to lie here and say that I have any knowledge of Scots whatsoever. My edits on this project are limited to removing links to articles and templates that don't actually exist on Scots wiki. In other cases, I might add a template, infobox, or source. If I do something wrong or overstep my boundaries as a non-Scots speaker on the site, please let me know!