Provinces o Afghanistan

The provinces o Afghanistan are the primary admeenistrative diveesions o Afghanistan. As o 2004, there are thirty-fower provinces (ولايت wilayat) in the kintra. Ilka province is further dividit intae destricts.

Provincial govrenments are led bi a govrenor. Ilka province is representit in the govrenment o Afghanistan bi twa members in the Hoose o Elders. Ane is electit bi the provincial cooncil tae a fower year term while the seicont is electit bi the destrict cooncils tae a three year term. Representation in the Hoose o the Fowk is directly frae the destricts, although in ilka province, twa o the representatives must be weemen. They are appointit bi the Preses o Afghanistan.

Provinces o Afghanistan

Province map o Afghanistan
Provinces of Afghanistan[1]
Province Map # ISO 3166-2:AF[2] Centers Population[3] Aurie (km²) Leid Notes U.N. Region
Badakhshan 30 AF-BDS Fayzabad 819,396 44,059 Dari Persie, Pamiri leids, Pashto 29 destricts North East Afghanistan
Badghis 4 AF-BDG Qala i Naw 499,393 20,591 Dari Persie, Pashto 7 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Baghlan 19 AF-BGL Puli Khumri 741,690 21,118 Dari Persie, Uzbek, Turkmen, Pashto 16 destricts North East Afghanistan
Balkh 13 AF-BAL Mazar-i-Sharif 1,123,948 17,249 Dari Persie, Pashto 15 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Bamyan 15 AF-BAM Bamyan 343,892 14,175 Dari Persie 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Daykundi 10 AF-DAY Nili 477,544 18,088 Dari Persie an Pashto 8 destricts
Formit frae Urozgan Province in 2004
Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Farah 2 AF-FRA Farah 493,007 48,471 Pashto, Dari Persie, Baloch 11 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Faryab 5 AF-FYB Maymana 833,724 20,293 Uzbek, Dari Persie, Pashto & Turkmen 14 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Ghazni 16 AF-GHA Ghazni 1,080,843 22,915 Pashto, Dari Persie 19 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Ghōr 6 AF-GHO Chaghcharan 635,302 36,479 Dari Persie, Pashto 10 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Helmand 7 AF-HEL Lashkar Gah 1,441,769 58,584 Pashto, Dari Persie 13 destricts Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Herat 1 AF-HER Herat 1,762,157 54,778 Dari Persie, Pashto, Turkmen 15 destricts Wast Afghanistan
Jowzjan 8 AF-JOW Sheberghan 426,987 11,798 Uzbek, Turkmen,Pashto & Dari Persie 9 destricts North Wast Afghanistan
Kabul 22 AF-KAB Kabul 3,314,000 4,462 Dari Persie, Turkmen, Pashto an Uzbek 18 destricts Central Afghanistan
Kandahar 12 AF-KAN Kandahar 2,913,000 54,022 Pashto, Dari Persie 16 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Kapisa 29 AF-KAP Mahmud-i-Raqi 358,268 1,842 Dari Persie, Pashto, Pashayi 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Khost 26 AF-KHO Khost 638,849 4,152 Pashto 13 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Kunar 34 AF-KNR Asadabad 413,008 4,942 Pashto 15 destricts North East Afghanistan
Kunduz 18 AF-KDZ Kunduz 820,000 8,040 Pashto, Dari Persie, Uzbek & Turkmen 7 destricts North East Afghanistan
Laghman 32 AF-LAG Mihtarlam 382,280 3,843 Pashto, Pashai, Nuristani & Dari Persian 5 districts East Afghanistan
Logar 23 AF-LOW Pul-i-Alam 322,704 3,880 Pashto, Dari Persie 7 destricts Central Afghanistan
Maidan Wardak 21 AF-WAR Maidan Shar 529,343 9,934 Pashto, Dari Persie 9 destricts Central Afghanistan
Nangarhar 33 AF-NAN Jalalabad 1,342,514 7,727 Pashto, Dari Persie 23 destricts East Afghanistan
Nimruz 3 AF-NIM Zaranj 117,991 41,005 Balochi, Pashto & Dari Persie 5 destricts Sooth Wast Afghanistan
Nuristan 31 AF-NUR Parun 130,964 9,225 Nuristani, Pashto 7 destricts North East Afghanistan
Paktia 24 AF-PIA Gardēz 415,000 6,432 Pashto, Dari Persie 11 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Paktika 25 AF-PKA Sharana 809,772 19,482 Pashto, Dari Persie 15 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan
Panjshir 28 AF-PAN Bazarak 128,620 3,610 Dari Persie 5 districts
Creatit in 2004 frae Parwan Province
North East Afghanistan
Parwan 20 AF-PAR Charikar 491,870 5,974 Dari Persie, Pashto 9 destricts Central Afghanistan
Samangan 14 AF-SAM Samangan 378,000 11,262 Dari Persie, Uzbek 5 destricts North West Afghanistan
Sar-e Pol 9 AF-SAR Sar-e Pol 505,400 16,360 Dari Persie, Pashto an Uzbek 7 districts North Wast Afghanistan
Takhar 27 AF-TAK Taloqan 830,319 12,333 Dari Persie, Uzbek, Pashto 12 destricts North East Afghanistan
Urozgan 11 AF-ORU Tarinkot 320,589 12,696 Pashto, Dari Persie 6 destricts Central Afghanistan
Zabul 17 AF-ZAB Qalat 244,899 17,343 Pashto, Dari Persie 9 destricts Sooth East Afghanistan

Historical provinces



See an aw



  1. References and details on data provided in the table can be found within the individual provincial articles.
  2. ISO 3166-2:AF (ISO 3166-2 codes for the provinces of Afghanistan)
  3. "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 7 Julie 2010. Retrieved 25 Julie 2012.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

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