"Aegukga" (Scots: Patriotic Sang, leeterally "lovin kintra sang") is the naitional anthem o Sooth Korea.


Naitional anthem o

 Sooth Korea

Kent forby asSang o Love for the Kintra
Leerics1896[1] probably Yun Chi-ho, Ahn Changho
MuisicAhn Eak-tai, 1935
Audio saumple
"The Patriotic Sang"

Lyrics eedit

Scots translation

Till that day when Mt. Baekdu is worn away an the East Sea's watters run dry,
Mey God pertect an preserve oor kintra!

Hibiscus an three thoosand ri full o splendid moontains an rivers;
Koreans, tae the Korean way, stay always true!

As the pine atap Namsan Peak staunds firm, unchynged throu wind an frost,
as if wrapped in airmour, sae shall our resilient spirit.


The hairst skies are void an vast, heich an cloodless;
the bricht muin is lik oor hert, undividit an true.


Wi this spirit an this mind, let us gie aw loyalty,
in sufferin or joy, tae luve oor naition.


References eedit