Notability eedit

Hey there. A've taggit twa pages ye makit (SD Compostela an Estadio Multiusos de San Lázaro) fur notability issues an mendit a minor Scotchin issue (ye hae yer ain hings an ye awn hings, as sic ye're the awner). We're tryin tae redd up the wiki an reduce the amoont ae unencyclopaedic content (sic as unreferenced an single-sentence pages), sae a'm askin ye tae wirk on the airticles an bring em up tae oor guidelines, else thay micht be mellt intae ainither airticle or deletit CiphriusKane (tauk) 05:59, 6 Januar 2021 (UTC)Reply

SD Compostela eedit

Am scrievin acause the notability o the abuin airticles at ye creatit is bein speirt, fir the follaein raison:

  • Capable o bein substantious
  • Gif ye can anely scroll twa-three sentences anent a topic, it isnae 'notable' eneuch for its ane airticle.

Gif the airticles are no mendit in the neist 7 days, action maun be taen tae mell wi anither airticle or delete it.
soothrhins (tauk) 20:27, 29 Januar 2021 (UTC)Reply