Sheena Blackhall

(Reguidit frae Elphinstone Kist)

Sheena Blackhall (b.1947, Aiberdeen) is a Nor' Aest scriever, illustrator, tradietional ballant sangster an shenachie. Ootthrou 19982003 she wis Creative Writing Fellow at Aiberdeen Varsity's Elphinstone Institute.[1]

Sheena Blackhall



Sheena Blackhall is a screiver, illustrator, tradietional ballant singer an shennachie in Nor East Scotland. Frae 1998 tae 2003 she wis Creative Screivin Fellow in Scots at Aiberdeen Vairsity’s Elphinstone Institute an eenoo is an Honorar Research Associate yonner.[1] In 2009 she becam Makar (poet laureate) fur Aiberdeen an the Nor East.[2] Twa o her plays fur bairns wis televised, The Nicht Bus and The Broken Hert. Alang wi Les Wheeler, she co-edits the Doric wabsteid "Elphinstone Kist", an has wirked on the Aiberdeen Reading Bus as a shennachie an screiver.[3]

In 2003 she traivelled as pairt o a boorich tae Washington, showcasin Scotlan's cultur as a guest o the Smithsonian Institution.[4] In 2007 she wis Creative Screivin Tutor at the Institute o Irish an Scottish lear at King's College, an twa years eftir wis Screiver in Residence durin Aiberdeen Vairsity’s Wird Festival.

Airly years an study


Sheena Blackhall wis born Sheena Booth Middleton in 1947 in Aiberdeen, dother o the manager o Strachan's Deeside Omnibus Service, Chae Middleton, an his secunt cousin, fairmer's dother Winifred Booth.[citation needit] She wis educatit in Aiberdeen, bit simmered in Ballater fur a wheen years.[citation needit]

Aifter a year's study at Gray's Schule o Art, Blackhall wrocht fur a while as a speecial needs teacher, whaun she scrieved tales fur BBC Radio Scotland’s producer Frieda Morrison.[5] In 1994 she wan a Bsc (Hons. Psych) frae the Open University, gaun on tae get an M.Litt wi Distinction frae Aiberdeen Vairsity in 2000.[3]



In April 2009 she wis creatit Makar for Aberdeen and the Nor East o Scotland. She haes wun the Robert McLellan tassie fur best Scots short story 3 times (1989,1990,2001) an the Hugh MacDiarmid trophy fur best Scots poem 4 times (1990,2000,2001,2010).[6] In 1992 she skared the Sloane Award wi Matthew Fitt, frae the Varsity of Saunt Aundraes.[3] Ither prizes is awards frae the Doric Festival, the Bennachie Baillies, an frae the TMSA fur ballant scrievin an tradietional singin.[6] She his twice bin shortlisted fur the Callum Macdonald Poetry Pamphlet prize (2005 & 2009).[6] In 2007, Lallans Magazine gied her the William Gilchrist Graham prize fur best Scots short story. She haes likewyse bin shortlistit fur the McCash poetry prize. In 2013 she wan 1st prize in Bipolar Scotland's Short Story Competition, in 2014 she becam a Patron o Readin.[6]

Blackhall is a Honorary Fellow o the Wird Centre for Creative Screivin at Aiberdeen University an aa. In 2018 she wis gien the award o Maister o the University bi Aiberdeen University. In 2019 she wis presentit wi the Janet Paisley Lifetime Achievement Award for her wark in Scots.[7] In Novemmer 2019, she wis made Nor East Makar fur three years, bi the Doric Boord. In 2020 Blackhall becam a Honorary Officer o Merit  o the Confraternity o the Knights o the Maist Haly Trinity (Priory o Scotland) . She wis tae be awardit the Eagle o Honour medal, tae be presentit bi the Knights efter the corona virus pandemic wis ower.[8] In 2021 she was named as Ambassador for Scots fur the Scottish Poetry Library.[9][10]

Selectit warks



  • 1984: The Cyard's Kist (Poems); Rainbow Publishing.
  • 1986: The Spik o the Lan (Poems); Rainbow Publishing.
  • 1987: Hamedrauchtit (Poems); Rainbow Publishing.
  • 1989: Nor East Neuk (Poems); Charles Murray Trust.
  • 1989: Fite Doo/ Black Crow (Poems); Keith Murray Publications, ISBN 1 87078 20X.
  • 1991: A Toosht o Whigmaleeries (Poems); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1993: Back o Bennachie (Poems); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1994: Druids, Drachts, Drochles (Poems); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1995: Stagwyse (Selected Poems); Charles Murray Trust, ISBN 0952 1142 59.
  • 1996: Lament fur the Raj (Poems); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 0952 655403.
  • 1997: The Life Bluid o Cromar (Poems); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1997: Gliong Gliong, screived unner name o Sine NicThearlaich (Poems in Gaelic); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1999: Millennium Blues (Poems); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1999: The Heilanman's Sporran (Poems); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 095-2655-43-8.
  • 1999: Death, Demons, Perfume and Pearls (Poems); Limousine Bull.
  • 2000: The Twa B's (Poems); Shopmobility.
  • 2000: The Telepathic Butcher's Boy (Poems); SPA.
  • 2000: The Singing Bird (Poems); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 0952655446.
  • 2000: Dancing with Maenads (Poems); Keith Murray Publishing.
  • 2000: Skin Balaclavas, jintly wi John Easton (Poems); Finavon Print and Design, ISBN 0-9528813-7-3.
  • 2001: Spik nae Evil, jintly wi Les Wheeler (Bairn poems); Gordon Booth Publications, ISBN 095265545 4.
  • 2001: Bringing up the Tail, jintly wi John Easton (Poems); Finavon Print and Design, ISBN 0 9541689 0 9.
  • 2002: A Boorich o Breets (Poems); Severin Books.
  • 2003: A Boorich o Fowk (Poems); Severin Books.
  • 2003: Queerieorrals (Poems); Severin Books.
  • 2003: Winnlestrae: Cradlit, Coortit, Waddit, Kistit (Poems); Severin Books.
  • 2004: The Dule Tree (Poems); Finavon Print & Design, ISBN 0-9541689-8.
  • 2005: Death of a Pope (Poems); Varsity o Aiberdeen.
  • 2011: Mr Pavlova's Comb-Over (Bairn Rhymes): Reading Bus Press, ISBN 978-0-9564837-7-5
  • 2011: Bluid-Kin (Poems): Malfranteaux Concepts, ISBN 978-1-870978-19-4.
  • 2014: The Space Between: New & Selected Poems; Aiberdeen University Press, ISBN 978-1-85752-005-7.
  • 2018: Saying the Unsayable: Poems in Scots and English; Equinox Publishing.
  • 2019: Ten Ballads: commissioned an furthsett bi the Elphinstone Institute, Varsity o Aiberdeen.
  • 2019: Winter Wreath: Poems in Scots & English; Equinox Publishing.
  • 2021: A Bard’s Life published by Rymour Books (poetry book  166) ISBN 978-1-8384052-2-9
  • 2021: Anthology: Living our Dying: eds Larry Butler & Sheila Templeton, ISBN 978-1-9196286-3-9 pub. Rymour Books July 2021.
  • 2021: overset: The War o the worlds
  • 2021: Chacun a son Gout
  • 2021: Touch & Go
  • 2021: Meenstrukk
  • 2021: Ganesh's Daughter
  • 2022: Carpe Diem
  • 2022: Something Fishy This Way Comes
  • 2022: There is no Cow on the Ice
  • 2022: Suitcase of Dreams
  • 2022: Norlan Lichts Anthology
  • 2022: Craa
  • 2022: Giraffe
  • 2022: The Young Wife
  • 2022: The Scarecrow
  • 2023: The Hale Rickmatic
  • 2023: Doppelgänger
  • 2023: Moon Struck
  • 2023: The Devil's Pulpit
  • 2023: Baa humbug (pamphlet 187)
  • 2023: Muninn & Huginn (Pamphlet no 188)
  • 2023: Pigging Out (Pamphlet no189)
  • 2023: Young Quine Dreamin (Pamphlet no 190)
  • 2023:Kye gaun Hame (Pamphlet 191)
  • 2023: The Lobster (pamphlet 192)
  • 2023: The Mithers (pamphlet 193)
  • 2023: The Abbot o Unreason (pamphlet 194)
  • 2023: The Japanese Funeral et al (Pamphlet195)
  • 2024: The Wylde Cattie: (Pamphlet 196) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: The Fower Dragons: (pamphlet 197) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: Robin reidbreist's testament (pamphlet 198) pub by malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: The Doll's House: (pamphlet 199) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: The Dall (pamphlet 200) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: An Unfinished Work (pamphlet 201) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: The Hanged Cheil (pamphlet 202) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: Neptune's Staircase (pamphlet 203) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: Ovid Love Poems, Vietnamese Tales (pamphlet 204) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: A Matter of Lunacy, Poems in Scots and English (pamphlet 205) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts
  • 2024: Roadkill, Poems and Prose (pamphlet 206) pub by Malfranteaux Concepts


  • 1989: Nippick o Nor East Tales (Short stories); Keith Murray Publications, ISBN 1 870978 099.
  • 1991: Reets (Short stories); Keith Murray Publications, ISBN 870978 331.
  • 1992: A Hint o Granite (Short stories); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1993: Braeheid. A Fairm an its Fowk (Short stories); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1995: A Kenspeckle Creel (Short stories); Hammerfield Publishing.
  • 1996: Wittgenstein's Web (Short stories); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 09526554 11.
  • 1998: The Bonsai Grower (Short stories); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 095-2655-42-X.
  • 2002: The Fower Quarters (Short Stories); GKB Enterprises, ISBN 095 2655446 2.
  • 2004: Indian Peter (Bairn Tales); Ltd. Ed., Thistle Repro.
  • 2004: Pie in the Sky (Short Stories); Ltd. Ed., Thistle Repro.
  • 2009: Victor Vratch the Craa (Bairn Stories); Lochlands.
  • 2010: Isle o the Deid (Short Story Collection); Malfranteaux Concepts, ISBN 978-1-870978-63-7.
  • 2011: The Chimaera Institute: Short Stories; Lochlands.
  • 2013: Aberdeenshire Folk Tales, jintly wi Grace Banks (Fowk tales); The History Press, ISBN 9780752497587.
  • 2014: Scottish Urban Myths and Ancient Legends, jintly wi Grace Banks (Urban legends); The History Press, ISBN 978 0 7509 5622 2.
  • 2016: Cheerybye Eden (Tales); Lochlands.


  • 2003: Loon (Scots novella); Black and White/ Itchy Coo, ISBN 1-902927-72-9.
  • 2004: Minnie (Scots novella); SLRC, ISBN 1 899920 03X.
  • 2007: The Quarry (Novella); Lochlands.
  • 2008: The Gods of Grayfriars Lane (Novella); Lochlands.

Bairn’s fiction

  • 2010: The Bairn Books: Millie, wi illustrations bi Bob Dewar (Fiction); Reading Bus Press, ISBN 978-0-9564837-4-4
  • 2011: The Bairn Books: Apardion, A Leopard’s Quest, wi illustrations bi Julia Lacombe (Fiction); Reading Bus Press, ISBN 978-0-9564837-8-2


  • 2004: The Tower o Babel (Owersettins); Ltd. Ed., Thistle Repro.
  • 2015: Scottish Spleen: Baudelaire in Scots (Contreebution tae multi-authort anthology o owersetts o warks bi Charles Baudelaire); Tapsalteerie, ISBN 9780-9926631-3-1.
  • 2015: The Doric Gruffalo, owersett o the classic bairn's buik, The Gruffalo, bi Julia Donaldson; Black and White/ Itchy Coo, ISBN 9781785300042.
  • 2016: The Doric Gruffalo’s Bairn, owersett o The Grufallo's Child bi Julia Donaldson; Black and White/ Itchy Coo, ISBN 978-1-78530-039-1.
  • 2018: Jean Eyre, jintly wi Doric makar Sheena Templeton, owersett intae Nor-East Scots o the classic novel, Jane Eyre, bi Charlotte Brontë; Dundee: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-215-3.
  • 2018: Fey Case o Dr Jekyll an Mr Hyde, owersettin o the classic novel, The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, bi Robert Louis Stevenson; Dundee: Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-226-9.
  • 2018: The Winnerfu Warlock o Oz, owersett o the classic bairn's buik, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, bi L. Frank Baum; Dundee: Evertype; ISBN 978-1-78201-218-5.
  • 2018: O Mice & Men; owersett intae Nor-East Scots o the classic novel, Of Mice and Men, bi John Steinbeck, Dundee: Evertype, ISBN-13 978-1-78201-229-0.
  • 2020: The Itchy Coo Book o Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales in Scots, bi (author) Martin Waddell; eeditit bi James Robertson an Matthew Fitt; introduction bi Julia Donaldson; illustrations bi Emma Chichester Clark. ISBN 978-1-78530-313-5 2020. The Little Mermaid, owerset bi Blackall, is the utmaist story.
  • 2021: Mither Tongue: Jidi Majia:Anthology of Translations ISBN 978-1-913212-31-5
  • 2021:·The War o the Warlds: The War of the Worlds in North-east Scots (Doric) (Scots Edition)Owersett by Sheena Blackhall ISBN: 1782012710  Author: H G Wells. Pages: 224  Publisher: Evertype  Publication Date: 2021-08-01




  1. a b "Sheena Blackhall - Poet". Scottish Poetry Library (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  2. Robertson, Kirsten. "Sheena Blackhall named north-east Makar by Doric Board". Press and Journal (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  3. a b c "Sheena Blackhall". Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame (in Inglis). 22 October 2019. Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  4. Drysdale, Neil. "Doric Quine Sheena Blackhall reveals pupil attack and suicide bid in new autobiography". Press and Journal (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  5. " - Jessie the Jumbo". (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  6. a b c d "Author: Sheena Blackhall". Scottish Book Trust (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  7. "Lifetime Achievement Award for Sheena Blackhall | News | The University of Aberdeen". Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  8. "News". KHT (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 20 Januar 2022. Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  9. "Sheena Blackhall - SPL Ambassador". The Doric Board (in Inglis). 14 Juin 2021. Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.
  10. "Poetry Ambassadors 2021". Scottish Poetry Library (in Inglis). Retrieved 20 Januar 2022.