Yer articles


(en) Hey there, welcome to the Scots wiki. The articles you've created are in English. The language of this Wikipaedia project is Scots, the West Germanic language that is a sister language to English. The English language Wikipedia can be found here. Thanks, CiphriusKane (tauk) 16:05, 27 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello you can help me put it in scottish and improve it with me thanks --Meklim (tauk) 17:46, 27 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

Alternatively, you can not published articles that aren't in this wikis language. –MJLTauk 03:50, 28 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

This is the Scottish Gaelic language --Meklim (tauk) 08:01, 28 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

Couple of points
1 This is the Scots Wikipaedia, nae the Scottish or Scottish Gaelic Wikipaedia (which is here). As I said above, Scots is a West Germanic language while Scottish Gaelic is a Goidelic Celtic language
2 We've had years of people publishing badly written articles to the mainspace expecting others to fix them when there's just nae been enough people with the skills to keep up. A better idea would be to post the article in your userspace instead then ask for help translating it. Like I said though, we've got few enough fowk that we're struggling to fix what's already here so it's unlikely ye'd get said help any time soon CiphriusKane (tauk) 09:48, 28 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

I will speak more English, but if you want to create this article by the artist Sanfourche it will be a pleasure for me to help you, especially in references and to see it in Scottish Sanfourche article thank you good continuation --Meklim (tauk) 10:05, 28 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply

@CiphriusKane: I guess this was some sort of LTA (and has been globally locked). I've deleted their articles. –MJLTauk 19:28, 28 Februar 2021 (UTC)Reply