Triops cancriformis

(Reguidit frae Triops Cancriformis)

Triops cancriformis, or Podle-Screw, is a species o fresh-watter shrimp fand athort Wastren Eurasie.[1]

Acause o the destruction o habitat, mony populations ware lost athort its European reenge, sae the species is considert tae be endangert in the Unitit Kinrick and in several ither kintras o Europe.[1] In captivitie thay growe for common up tae 6 centimetre (2.4 in); in the wild thay can reach bouks o 11 centimetre (4.3 in).

In the UK, thare is anely twa populations kent: in a puil an the surroondin airts o the Caerlaverock Wetlands in Scotland, an a temporar dub in the New Forest o England.[2] The species is protectit bi law unner Schedule 5 o the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amendit).

This species is considert tae be ane o the auldest leevin species in the warld, bein aroon 200 million year auld. Fossils o this species frae the Heich Triassic (Norian) period as fand awmaist unchynged whin compared wi modren day memmers o the species.

Cycle o Life


Triops cancriformis haes a gey quick cycle o life, an individuals growes tae maturitie in aboot twa week efter they hatch. Thair populations is kent tae be gonochoric, hermaphroditic or androdioecious. The last ane is an awfy rare reproductive mode in animals, whaurbye populations is made o hermaphrodites, wi a smaa ration o males. Acause o this lack o males, earlie resairchers thocht thit Triops ware parthenogenetic. The presence o testicular lugs scaitert amang thair ovaries made shair o thit thay ware, in fact, hermaphroditic. Fertilysed females or hermaphrodites mak diapausing eggs or cysts thit is habile tae survive decades unner the sgruns o the ponds an lochs whaur thay bide. Thay eggs is resistant tae drocht an extremes o temperatur.

Triops cancriformis Beni-Kabuto Ebi Albino eatin o a bit o rehydratit dried shrimp, ultra close-up makin seen how see-throu the carapace is.

Awtho memmers o the genus Triops dinnae hae economic importance for ordinar, the Beni-kabuto ebi albino kynd o Triops cancriformis haes been uised for tae brin midges an weeds in Aisien rice fields unner control.

Triops cancriformis is the saicond maist common species brocht up bi hobbyists efter Triops longicaudatus. Thay are valyed particular for thair laicher cleckin temperatur an langer lifespan as weel as thair potential muckler bouk.


  1. a b "Tadpole shrimp - Triops cancriformis". ARKive. Archived frae the original on 7 October 2008. Retrieved 20 Apryle 2009.
  2. "Triops, the 300 million year-old living fossil". Planet Earth online. 22 December 2008. Archived frae the original on 5 Julie 2009. Retrieved 22 Julie 2009.