Simon van der Meer

Simon van der Meer (24 November 1925 – 4 Mairch 2011) wis a Dutch pairticle accelerator pheesicist wha shared the Nobel Prize in Pheesics in 1984 wi Carlo Rubbia for contreibutions tae the CERN project which led tae the discovery o the W an Z particles, twa o the maist fundamental constituents o matter.[1][2]

Simon van der Meer
Simon van der Meer (left) an wife are received bi Queen Beatrix an Prince Claus in 1985
Born24 November 1925(1925-11-24)
The Hague, The Netherlands
Dee'd4 Mairch 2011(2011-03-04) (aged 85)
Geneva, Swisserland
Alma materTU Delft
Kent forStochastic cuilin
AwairdsDuddell Medal an Prize (1982)
Nobel Prize in Pheesics (1984)
Scientific career


  1. "The Nobel Prize in Physics 1984". The Nobel Foundation. Retrieved 31 October 2009.
  2. Darriulat, Pierre. "The W and Z particles: a personal recollection". CERN Courier. 44 (3): 13–16.