Santo Tomás, Baja California

Santo Tomás, a toun in the Ensenada Municipality o Baja California, Mexico. It wis oreeginally the steid o the Misión Santo Tomás de Aquino. Efter the mission wis abandoned it wis taken as a post for the Mexican frontier garrison an for a time as the caipital o the territory o Baja California. The toun grew up east o the Mission steid.

References eedit

  • Meigs, Peveril, III. 1935. The Dominican Mission Frontier of Lower California. University of California Publications in Geography No. 7. Berkeley.
  • Vernon, Edward W. 2002. Las Misiones Antiguas: The Spanish Missions of Baja California, 1683-1855. Viejo Press, Santa Barbara, California.

See an aw eedit

Coordinates: 31°33′16″N 116°24′32″W / 31.55444°N 116.40889°W / 31.55444; -116.40889
