Scots eedit

Pronunciation eedit

  • [flɑ:xt]

Noun 1 eedit


  1. a flying or flight
  2. a flock of birds
  3. a fluttering or flapping
  4. a bustle, great hurry

Synonyms eedit

Verb 1 eedit


  1. to shake, tremble, vibrate

Synonyms eedit

Adverb eedit

Flaucht (comparative mair flaucht, superlative maist flaucht)

  1. spread-eagle

Synonyms eedit

Derived terms eedit

Verb 2 eedit


  1. to weave, intertwine, link with

Noun 2 eedit


  1. lock or tuft of hair or wool
  2. pared turf
  3. burst of flame
  4. flake of snow
    1. flash of lightning
      1. sudden gust of wind

        Derived terms eedit