Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke o Wellington

Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke o Wellington KG, GCB, GCH, PC, FRS (1 Mey 1769 – 14 September 1852), wis an Anglo-Erse soldier an statesman, an ane o the leadin militar an poleetical feegurs o 19t-century Britain. His defeat o Napoleon at the Battle o Waterloo in 1815 put him in the tap rank o Breetain's militar heroes.

The Duke o Wellington

The Duke o Wellington, bi Sir Thomas Lawrence. Pentit in 1814, a few months afore the Battle o Waterloo.
Prime Meenister o the Unitit Kingdom
In office
14 November 1834 – 10 December 1834
MonarchWilliam IV
Precedit biThe Viscoont Melbourne
Succeedit biSir Robert Peel
In office
22 Januar 1828 – 16 November 1830
MonarchGeorge IV
William IV
Precedit biThe Viscoont Goderich
Succeedit biThe Yerl Grey
Leader o the Hoose o Lords
In office
3 September 1841 – 27 Juin 1846
Prime MeenisterSir Robert Peel
Precedit biThe Viscoont Melbourne
Succeedit biThe Marquess o Lansdowne
In office
14 November 1834 – 18 Aprile 1835
Prime MeenisterSir Robert Peel
Precedit biThe Viscoont Melbourne
Succeedit biThe Viscoont Melbourne
In office
22 Januar 1828 – 22 November 1830
Precedit biThe Viscoont Goderich
Succeedit biThe Yerl Grey
Foreign Secretar
In office
14 November 1834 – 18 Aprile 1835
Prime MeenisterSir Robert Peel
Precedit biThe Viscoont Palmerston
Succeedit biThe Viscoont Palmerston
Hame Secretar
In office
17 November 1834 – 15 December 1834
Precedit biThe Viscoont Duncannon
Succeedit biHenry Goulburn
Secretar o State for War an the Colonies
In office
17 November 1834 – 9 December 1834
Precedit biThomas Spring Rice
Succeedit biThe Yerl o Aiberdeen
Personal details
BornArthur Wesley
1 Mey 1769
6 Merrion Street, Dublin, Coonty Dublin, Ireland[1]
Dee'd14 September 1852(1852-09-14) (aged 83)
Walmer Castle, Kent, Ingland, Unitit Kinrick
Restin placeSt Paul's Cathedral, Lunnon
Poleetical pairtyTory (till 1834), Conservative (1834 onward)
Spoose(s)Catherine Pakenham
ReligionKirk o Ireland
Militar service
Allegiance Unitit Kinrick
Service/brainchBreetish Airmy
Years o service1787–1852
RankField Marshal
CommandsCommander-in-Chief o the Breetish Airmy

Wellesley wis born in Dublin intae the Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. He wis commissioned as an ensign in the Breetish Airmy in 1787, servin in Ireland as aide-de-camp tae twa successive Lairds Lieutenant o Ireland. He wis an aw electit as a Member o Pairlament in the Erse Hoose o Commons. He wis a colonel bi 1796 an saw action in the Netherlands an in Indie, whaur he focht in the Fowert Anglo-Mysore War at the Battle o Seringapatam. He wis appyntit govrenor o Seringapatam an Mysore in 1799 an, as a newly appyntit major-general, wan a decisive veectory ower the Maratha Confederacy at the Battle o Assaye in 1803.

Wellesley rose tae prominence as a general in the Peninsular campaign o the Napoleonic Wars, an wis promotit tae the rank o field marshal efter leadin the allied forces tae veectory again the French Empire at the Battle o Vitoria in 1813. Follaein Napoleon's exile in 1814, he served as the ambassador tae Fraunce an wis grantit a dukedom. In the Hunder Days in 1815, he commandit the allied airmy that, thegither wi a Proushie Airmy unner Blücher, defeatit Napoleon at Waterloo. Wellington's battle record is exemplary; he ultimately pairteecipatit in some 60 battles in the coorse o his militar career.

Wellington is famous for his adaptive defensive style o warfare, resultin in several veectories against numerically superior forces while minimisin his awn losses. He is regairdit as ane o the greatest defensive commanders o aw time, an mony o his tactics an battle plans are still studied in militar academies aroond the warld. Efter the end o his active militar career, he returned tae politics. He wis twice Breetish prime meenister as a member o the Tory pairty: frae 1828 tae 1830, an for a little less nor a month in 1834. He owersaw the passage o the Catholic Relief Act 1829, but opponed the Reform Act 1832. He conteenaed as ane o the leadin feegurs in the Hoose o Lairds till his reteerment an remeened Commander-in-Chief o the Breetish Airmy till his daith.


  1. Wellesley (2008). p. 16.
  2. Gifford (1817). p. 375.