In Aztec meethologie, Xochiquetzal (Clessical Nahuatl: Xōchiquetzal [ʃoːtʃiˈketsaɬ]), cried Ichpochtli Clessical Nahuatl: Ichpōchtli [itʃˈpoːtʃtɬi], meanin "maiden" an aw,[1] wis a goddess associatit wi concepts o growthiness, brawnie, an female sexual pouer, servin as a protector o young mithers an a patroness o pregnancy, shootin, an the crafts practisit bi weemen such as weavin an embroidery. In pre-Hispanic Maya cultur, a seemilar figur is Goddess I.

The name Xōchiquetzal is a compoond o xōchitl (“flouer”) an quetzalli (“precious feather; quetzal tail feather”). In Classical Nahuatl morphologie, the first element in a compoond modifees the seicont, an thus the goddess' name can leeterally be taken tae mean “flouer precious feather”, or ”flouer quetzal feather”. Her alternative name, Ichpōchtli, corresponds tae a personalisit uisage o ichpōchtli (“maiden, young wumman”).



Unlik several ither figurs in the complex o Aztec female yird deities connectit wi agricultural an sexual fecundity, Xochiquetzal is ayes depictit as an allurin an youthful wumman, richly attired an seembolically associatit wi vegetation an in pairticular flouers. Bi connotation, Xochiquetzal is representative o human desire, pleasur, an excess an aw, appearin as patroness o prostitutes an airtisans involvit in the manufactur o luxury items an aw.[2]

She wis follaeed bi a retinue consistin o birds an butterflies. Worshippers wore ainimal an flouer masks at a festival, held in her honour ivery aicht years. Her twin wis Xochipilli an her husband wis Tlaloc, till Tezcatlipoca kidnappit her an she wis forcit tae mairy him. At ane pynt, she wis marriet tae Centeotl an Xiuhtecuhtli an aw. Bi Mixcoatl, she wis the mither o Quetzalcoatl.

Ichpōchtli is an alternative form o Xochiquetzal representative o brawness, sex, crafts, growthiness, dance, muisic, singin, weavin, magic, an luve spells. Marigolds are sacred tae her.

Anthropologist Hugo Nutini identifees her wi the Virgin o Ocotlan in his airticle on patron saunts in Tlaxcala. she wis the aztec goddesss cried the great goddess or teotihuacan spider wumman an aw.[3]


  1. Nahuatl Dictionary. (1997). Wired Humanities Project. University of Oregon. Retrieved September 1, 2012, from link Archived 2016-12-03 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Clendinnen (1991, p.163); Miller & Taube (1993, p.190); Smith (2003, p.203)
  3. Nutini (1976), passim.

Freemit airtins
