"Ae'm an Anarchist, an Ae'll gae on aboot it in Inglis if ye like." Weel ye'll like Scots then, there's nae rules;-) 10:37, 2 Mairch 2006 (UTC)Reply

Aye, Ae've takin a likin tae it since Ae first heard it. Canaen 10:43, 2 Mairch 2006 (UTC)Reply

Ye were spikkin anent a Scots Graimar. Whit graimar are ye uisin ? -- Derek Ross 06:43, 3 Mairch 2006 (UTC)Reply

This ane, the only ane Ae cud find online. Raither, the only ane Ae bothered tae find. Canaen 01:16, 4 Mairch 2006 (UTC)Reply

Yer accoont will be renamed eedit

08:07, 20 Mairch 2015 (UTC)

Renamed eedit

10:41, 19 Apryle 2015 (UTC)