In Greek meethologie, Theia /ˈθə/ (whiles Thea or Thia), cried Euryphaessa ("wide-shinin") an aw, is a Titaness an a goddess o the muin. The name Theia alane means simply "goddess" or "divine"; Theia Euryphaessa (Θεία Εὐρυφάεσσα) brings owertones o extent (εὐρύς, eurys, "wide", ruit: εὐρυ-/εὐρε-) an brightness (φάος, phaos, "light", ruit: φαεσ-).

In the frieze o the Great Altar o Pergamon (Berlin), the goddess who fichts at Helios' back is conjectured tae be Theia[1]
SymbolEen, Glesses
Personal Information
ChilderHelios, Eos an Selene
ParentsGaia an Uranus
SiblinsHyperion, Themis, Mnemosyne, Rhea, Cronus, Oceanus, Tethys, Iapetus, Krios, Phoebe an Coeus


  1. M.M. Honan, Guide to the Pergamon Museum, Berlin 1904, etc.