Sea fish
Sea fish
The names o fish waled for teetles is mair tae sinder ae fish frae anither nor tae threap that is the richt ane. For ordinar a weel-kent or leeterar name. Thare micht weel be guid grunds for chyngin the name waled for the teetle.
The leet is sortit alphabetic bi Laitin name.
eedit- Acipenser sturio
- Alopias vulpinus
- Alosa alosa Crui(ve) herrin Ither names: Craig or Rock herrin
- Alosa fallax
- Ammodytes lanceolatu Saund eel Ither names: Saundy geddock
- Ammodytes marinus Horn eel Ither names: Pintle fish,
- Ammodytes tobianus Geddock
- Anarhichas lupus Sea wouf Ither names: Stane biter
- Anguilla anguilla
- Argyrosomus regius
- Aspitriglia cuculus
- Astroscopus guttatus
- Atherina presbyter
eedit- Belone belone Green bane Ither names: Gaugnet, Needle fish, Horn-eel
- Blennius ocellaris
- Brosme brosme
eedit- Callionymus lyra Gowdie or Gowdeny Ither names: Bridegruim, Teylor, Weaver
- Capros oper
- Centrolabrus rupestris
- Centrolabus exoletus
- Cetorhinus maximus
- Chelon labrosus
- Chimaera monstrosa King o the herrin
- Ciliata mustela
- Clupea harengus Herrin
- Clupea sprattus Garvie or Garvock
- Conger conger White eel Ither names: Haaf eel, (aften soondit 'haivel'), Yaw
- Cottus bubalis Souter Ither names: Kemper
- Cottus gobio
- Cyclopterus lumpus (Hush) Paidle Ither names: Baggity & Blue or Hen paidle (Female), Cock paidle (Male), Runker
eedit- Echiichthys vipera
- Eutrigla gurnardus Cruiner Ither names: Gowkmey, Wouf
eedit- Labrus bergylta
- Labrus mixtus
- Lamna nasus
- Lampris luna Jerusalem haddie
- Lepadogaster lepadogaster
- Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Whiff
- Limanda Limanda Sautie fleuk Ither names: saund dab, Gray fleuk,
- Liparis liparis
- Lipophrys pholis
- Liza aurata
- Liza ramada
- Lophius piscatorius kethie or kethock Ither names: Wouf
- Lota lota
eedit- Melanogrammus aeglefinus Haddock or Haddie
- Merlangius merlangus Whitin
- Merluccius merluccius Sea pike Ither names: Herrin hake
- micromesistius poutassou
- Microstomus kitt Saund fleuk Ither names: Mary sole, tobaccae fleuk
- Mola Mola
- Molva molva Pintle or Stake
- Mullus surmuletus
- Muraena helena
- Myctophum punctatum
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
eedit- Osmerus eparlanus Cherry o Tay Ither names: Spirlin, Rash-fish, Saund eel, ‘dubhbreac’
eedit- Parablennius gattorugine
- Perromyzon marinus Lamper eel Ither names: Nine-ee'd eel, Whiles Ramper or Ramplon
- Platichthys flesus Beggar fleuk Ither names: Craig fleuk. Prawn fleuk, Black back
- Pleuronectes platessa Plash fleuk or Plashock Ither names: Beggar fleuk
- Pollachius pollachius Lythe Ither names:
- Pollachius virens Saithe
- Pomatoschistus microps
- Potamoschistus minutus
- Potamoschistus pictus
- Prionace glauca
- Psetta maxima
eedit- Salmo frutta Sea-troot Ither names: yellae-fin,
- Salmo salar Saumon
- Sardina pilchardus Gipsy herrin Ither names: Crui(ve) herrin
- Scomber scombrus Mackerel
- Scoph thalmus maximus Bannock fleuk Ither names: Roddan or Rowan fleuk,
- Scophthalmus rhombus Rodden fleuk Ither names: Bastart fleuk, Siller fleuk, Bunnet fleuk
- Scyliorhinus caniculus Blind ee
- Scyliorhinus stellaris
- Solea solea
- Sphyrna zygaena
- Spinachia spinachia Bismar Ither names: Bottle-neb, Stronachie
- Squalus acanthias
- Squatina squatina
- Symphodus melops
- Syngathus acus
eedit- Taurulus bubalis
- Taurulus lilljeborgi
- Thunnus thynnus
- Torpedo nobiliana
- Trachinus draco Otter pike
- Trachurus trachurus Scaud Ither names: Buck or Stour Mackerel
- Trigla Lucerna Gowdenie
eedit- Zeus faber Peter fish Ither names: Siller haddock, Bawbee