Muammar Gaddafi

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi[1] (Arabic: مُعَمَّر القَذَّافِيMuʿammar al-Qaḏḏāfī Aboot this soondaudio ;[variations] (Juin 1942[nb 1]– 20 October 2011), commonly kent as Muammar Gaddafi /[unsupported input]ˈm.əmɑːr ɡəˈdɑːfi/ or Colonel Gaddafi, wis the offeeial ruler o the Libie Arab Republic frae 1969 tae 1977 an then the "Brither Leader" o the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya frae 1977 tae 2011.

Transliteration o his Arabic name


Acause o the lack o staundartization o transliteratin written an regionally pronooncit Arabic, Gaddafi's name haes been romanized in mony different ways. Even tho the Arabic spellin o a wird daes no chynge, the pronunciation mey vary in different varieties o Arabic, which mey suggest a different romanization. In Literary Arabic, the name مُعَمَّر القَذَّافِي can be pronooncit /muˈʕammaru lqaðˈðaːfiː/. Geminated consonants can be simplified. In Libyan Arabic, /q/ (ق) is replacit wi [ɡ]; an /ð/ (ذ), as "th" in "this", is replacit wi [d]. Vouel [u] aften alternates wi [o] in pronunciation in ither regions. Sicweys, /muˈʕammar alqaðˈðaːfiː/ is normally pronooncit in Libie Arabic [muˈʕæmmɑrˤ əlɡædˈdæːfi]. The definite airticle al- (ال) is aften omittit.

The Arabic verb قَذَفَ qaðafa haes various meanins centerin on "he threw".


  1. Some sources, such as a BBC Obituary Muammar Gaddafi, give the date as 7 June. Other sources say June 1942; others say "Spring of 1942" (Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East, 2004) or "September 1942" (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 1998)


  1. "The Prosecutor v. Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi, Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al-Senussi". ICC-01/11-01/11. International Criminal Court. 4 Julie 2011. Archived frae the original on 27 Mey 2012. Retrieved 3 September 2011.