Mediterrane Sea
wattir that sinders Europe, Africae an Asie
(Reguidit frae Mediterranean Sea)
The Mediterrane Sea is the watter that sinders Europe, Africae and Asie.

The Mediterrane Sea is a pairt o the Atlantic Ocean awmaist halely surroondit bi laund, on the north bi Europe, on the sooth bi Africae, and on the east bi Asie. It kivers aboot 2.5 million km² (965 000 mi²).
The’r mony named pairts o the Mediterrane Sea:
- The Soond o Gibraltar that connects the Mediterrane til the lave o the Atlantic Ocean
- The Alboran Sea atweish Spainie an Moroccae
- The Balearic Sea atweish the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Isles
- The Ligurian Sea atweish Corsicae and north-wast Italy
- The Tyrrhenian Sea atweish the Italian Peninsula, Sardinie and Sicily
- The Ionian Sea atweish Italy, Albainie and Greece
- The Adriatic Sea atweish Italy and the wast coast o the Balkan
- The Aegean Sea atweish Greece and Turkey
The name Mediterrane means "in the mids o the laund".
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