Pouer station

(Reguidit frae Electricity generation)

A pouer station (referrt tae as a generatin station, pouer plant, pouerhoose, or generatin plant an aw) is an industrial facility for the generation o electric pouer.[1][2][3]

The Athlone Pouer Station in Cape Toun, Sooth Africae.


  1. British Electricity International (1991). Modern Power Station Practice: incorporating modern power system practice (3rd (12 volume set) ed.). Pergamon. ISBN 0-08-040510-X.
  2. Babcock & Wilcox Co. (2005). Steam: Its Generation and Use (41st ed.). ISBN 0-9634570-0-4.
  3. Thomas C. Elliott, Kao Chen, Robert Swanekamp (coauthors) (1997). Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-019435-1.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors leet (link)