Colombie Mexicans

Thare is a smaw Colombie commonty in Mexico. Accordin tae the 2005 census, thare wur roughly 13,000 Colombie ceetizens residin in Mexico.

Colombie Mexican
Colombo mexicano, mexicolombiano
Tot population
Roman Catholicism
Relatit ethnic groups
Colombie diaspora

Migration history eedit

Colombie carnival in Mexico Ceety.

Efter Mexico's unthirdom frae Spain, the presence o Colombie fowk in Mexico wis amaist nanexistent, awtho ower the years thare wis a increase o some Colombie immigrants for various raisons in Mexican territory, awtho it wis no till the 70s when the presence o Colombies increased unner the protection o poleetical asylum as refugees bi the Mexican govrenment acause o the Colombie guerrilla problems fleein frae their kintra durin the 80s an mony o thaim wur protectit an kept anonymous tae avoid persecution.

References eedit