Collogue:River Doon

Latest comment: 1 year ago by Nogger in topic Duin



DOON. A river of Ayrshire (Ayr. 1791 Burns Ye Banks i.) [locally døn, dɪn (Ayr. 1923 Wilson Dial. Burns 89).] [1]

: That indicates 'oo' is simply the Standard English spelling convention for vowel 7, 'ui' in Scots.

  1. "SND".

Nogger (tauk) 22:02, 23 Januar 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dae ye hae ony exemples ae "Duin" bein uised tho? The spellin Burns uised wis "Doon" CiphriusKane (tauk) 22:08, 23 Januar 2023 (UTC)Reply
A dinna ken ony aff the tap o ma heid. Its a maiter o walin Spellin conventions taen fae English or Scots. A wad hae thocht Scots ane wad be uied here. ~~~ Nogger (tauk) 22:25, 23 Januar 2023 (UTC)Reply
A'm pretty shuir "Doon" is Scots, siclik "Brig o Doon", as weel as Burns's uiss ae the spellin CiphriusKane (tauk) 22:40, 23 Januar 2023 (UTC)Reply
Whiles ye can find it written River Dune in some aulder texts, e.g. The New Staistical Account of Scotland: pt.1-2 Ayr, Bute, but that aulder spellin for vouel 7 wad juist confirm it haes an 'ui' pronunciation raither than a 'oo /u/' ane. Ay, Burns uised Doon, and rhymed it wi soon follaein English spellin conventions. Them anes for ordinar bein uised on maps. O coorse, acause o the pouer o English spellin fowk likely nou juist pronoonces it like in English /dun/ raither than the Scots /døn, dɪn/. If ye're sweirt tae spell in a wey that pits ower the Scots pronunciation ye coud aye mention ion the page hou its pronounced tae rhyme wi wirds like muin and abuin. ~~~ Nogger (tauk) 22:59, 23 Januar 2023 (UTC)Reply
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