Coat o airms o Belize

The Coat o Airms o Belize wis adoptit on unthirldom, an is anerlie slichtly different frae the coat o airms uised whan Belize wis a Breetish colony.

The circular border o the coat is formed bi twintie-five leafs. Athin the circle is a mahogany tree, afore whilk is a shield tierced per pall invertit. Athin the shield, thare the tuils o a widcutter in the upper sections an a ship in the lawer ane. Thae are seembolic o the importance o mahogany in the 18t an 19t century Belizean economy.

The shield is supportit bi twa wid-cutters o different races. The ane on the left is haudin an axe, while the ane on the richt is haudin an oar. Again the importance o the mahogany an its importance tae boat biggin is representit. At the bottom is the naitional slogan: Sub Umbra Floreo (Unner the Shade A Flourish).

The banner o Belize features the coat o airms in its centre.

Freemit airtins


Template:Coat o airms o North Americae