Banner o Transnistrie

The banner o Transnistrie is a version o the umwhile banner o the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. The current form wis adoptit bi the 2000 Law aboot State Seembols.



The banner o the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic serd as the republic's banner till the dissolution o the Soviet Union in 1991. When Moldovae became independent, some places in Transnistrie refused tae fly the new Moldovan banner an continued tae fly the banner o the Soviet Union. Continued uise o the banner o the umwhile Moldavian SSR wis popular an it wis offeecially reintroduced as the banner o Transnistrie in 2000.



For govrenment uisage, anerlie the state banner is valid. But Transnistrian law permits the uise a simplified version o the banner for non-govrenmental uise (i.e., personal an commercial uisage), athoot hammer an sickle an red starn, an athoot regard tae shape or size. The maist common size is still 1:2, but 2:3 versions hae been uised an aa.

Transnistrian number plate wi the simplified banner in the corner

Ither banners


The presidential banner is a 1:1, yellae fringed version o the ceevil banner wi the coat-o-airms in the centre. The current version wis adoptit on 18 Julie 2000 an replaced an earlier version datin frae 1997.

The airmy banner is currently a blue banner wi a yellae bund reid cross.[1] It is seimilar tae that o the Moldovan airmy, but disna include the Moldovan coat-o-airms.

A customs banner is an aa in uise bi Transnistrian customs. It is a primarily green banner wi twa reid baunds at the bottom. The central pairt o the banner is dominatit bi the seembol o Transnistrian customs.[2][3]


New proponed banner o Transnistrie, vera similar tae the banner o the Roushie Federation

In 2009, a proposal wis discussed in parliament tae replace the ceevil banner (plain red-green-red) wi a new banner, cairryin three horizontal stripes in the colours white, blue an reid, being amaist identical tae the banner o the Roushie Federation, but wi different aspect ratio (1:2 insteid o Roushie's 2:3).[4][5][6] The reasons statit for the chynge o the banner include the desire tae create closer ties wi Roushie, a guarantor o Transnistrie's unthirldom frae Moldovae. In a 2006 referendum, 97.2% o Transnistrians votit in favour o increased association wi Roushie. The new banner wad be uised alangg wi the current state banner.

See an aa



  1. Gaceta de Banderas
  4. Transnistria considers broadening its state symbols Archived 2009-08-18 at the Wayback Machine (5 May 2009)
  5. Supreme Council - parliamentary news: On state insignia (2 June 2009)
  6. Supreme Council - parliamentary news: Reaffirming commitment to harmonization of PMR and RF legislation (28 May 2009)