Auld Toun, Edinburgh

The Auld Toun o Edinburgh (Inglis: Old Town), the caipital o Scotland, is the auldest pairt o the ceety. Thegither wi the 18t-century New Toun, it is a UNESCO Warld Heritage Steid. It haes preservit its medieval plan an mony Reformation-era biggin.

Auld an New Touns o Edinburgh
UNESCO Warld Heritage Steid
leukin doun The Royal Mile wi Tron Kirk in view
CriteriaCultural: ii, iv
Inscription1995 (19th Session)
Map o the ceety centre, shawin the Auld Toun (daurk broun), New Toun (mid broun), an the West End (orange), wi the Warld Heritage Steid indicatit bi the reid line



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  Travel guide tae Auld Toun, Edinburgh frae Wikivoyage

Coordinates: 55°56′51″N 3°11′30″W / 55.947572°N 3.191631°W / 55.947572; -3.191631