Ariadne (Greek: Ἀριάδνη; Laitin: Ariadne), in Greek meethology, wis the dauchter o Minos, King o Crete,[1] Son o Zeus an his queen Pasiphaë, dauchter o Helios.[2] She is maistly associatit wi mazes an labyrinths acause o her involvement in the meeths o the Minotaur an Theseus. Her faither put her in chairge o the labyrinth whaur sacrifices war made as part o reparations (either tae Poseidon or tae Athena, dependin on the version o the meeth); later, she helped Theseus owercome the Minotaur an save the potential sacrificial victims. In ither stories, she acame the bride o the god Dionysus, wi the quaisten o her bein mortal or a goddess varyin in thae accoonts.[3][4]

Mistress o the Labyrinth; Goddess o Vegetation, Mazes, Paths, Fertility, Wine, Labyrinths, Snakes, an Passion
AbodeMoont Olympus
SymbolThread, Serpent, Bull
Personal Information
ConsortDionysus, Theseus
ChilderStaphylus, Oenopion
ParentsKeeng Minos an Queen Pasiphaë
SiblinsPhaedra, Catreus, Deucalion, Glaucus, Androgeus
Roman equivalentAriana, Libera


  1. Homer, Odyssey 11.320, Hesiod, Theogony 947, an later authors.
  2. Pasiphaë is mentioned as Ariadne's mither in Bibliotheke 3.1.2 (Pasiphaë, daughter o the Sun), in Apollonius' Argonautica iii.997, an in Hyginus Fabulae, 224.
  3. In creatin a "biografie" for a historicised Ariadne, her presence on Naxos is accountit for bi Theseus' haein abandoned her thare; in assemblin a set o biografical narrative episodes, this would have haed tae be placed "efter" her abduction frae Knossos. In keepin wi the role o Minos as Crete's keeng, Ariadne haes come tae bear the late designation o "princess". The endpynt o this raitionalisin process is the realistic historicisin feection o Mary Renault, The Bull from the Sea (1962).
  4. Sidhe, Fiana. "Goddess Ariadne in the Spotlight" Archived 2017-09-10 at the Wayback Machine,MatriFocus, 2002.