Wikipedia:RRSSC Common wordleet (Scots til Inglis)
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RRSSC Frequent Word Shortleet, Scots til Inglis
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Table o contents: |
eedit- (a)cause -- A did it cause A wantit til.
- because -- I did it because I wanted to.
- a -- That wis a hard ane.
- a -- That was a hard one.
- aa -- Ye dichtit them aa.
- all -- You wiped them all.
- aamaist -- Thay aamaist aa got awa
- almost -- They almost all got away.
- ablo -- The dug ran ablo the table
- below -- The dog ran below the table.
- aboot -- The loun wis aboot five year auld.
- about -- The boy was about five years old.
- abuin -- Naebodie is abuin the law.
- above -- Nobody is above the law.
- add -it -- Taiblet is succar addit ti milk.
- add -- Tablet is sugar added to milk.
- ae -- Thare's mair than ae wey ti dae it but thon's the ae wey A ken.
- only (one) -- There's more than one way to do it but that's the only way I know.
- aet -- He didna aet the neeps.
- eat -- He didn't eat the turnips.
- aeten / etten -- She haed etten it aa.
- eaten -- She had eaten it all.
- aff -- The quine fell aff the wa.
- off -- The girl fell off the wall.
- afore -- Dinna aet that afore yer dinner.
- before -- Don't eat that before your dinner.
- aften -- He aften sleeps roond here.
- often -- He often sleeps around here.
- again -- A winna tell ye again.
- again, against -- I won't tell you again.
- ahint -- The bairn sat ahint the driver
- behind -- The child sat behind the driver.
- ain -- You haev yer ain hoose
- own -- You have your own house.
- ance -- We war aa young ance.
- once -- We were all young once.
- air -- The chiel gaed oot ti tak the air.
- air -- The guy want out to take the air.
- airt -- Whit airt is that green?
- place -- What place is as green as that?
- alang -- She daundert alang the road.
- along -- She wandered along the road.
- am -- Am A gaein the richt gate?
- am -- Am I going the right way?
- an -- This is an aesie' ane.
- an -- This is an easy one.
- an -- Haggis an chips is braw.
- and -- Haggis and chips is nice.
- an aa -- Div ye watch thaim an aa?
- also, as well -- Do you watch them as well?
- ane -- Ane o thaim is gey teuch.
- one -- One of them is rather tough.
- anent -- Whit dae ye haev ti say anent the care o knowt?
- opposite, concerning, about -- What do you have to say about the care of cattle?
- anither -- That's anither story.
- another -- That's another story.
- answer -- That's nae the richt answer, is't.
- answer -- That's not the right answer, is it?
- answer -t -- I haed til answer whan the chiel speirt at me.
- answer -- I had to answer when the guy asked me.
- ar -- Ar thay comin?
- are -- Are they coming?
- aroon(d) -- The auld man disna bide aroon here.
- around -- The old man doesn't live around here.
- as -- As lang's ye're happy...
- as -- As' long as you're happy...
- ask -it, aks -t -- Ye maun ask.
- ask -- You must ask.
- at -- Pit the wife at her aese.
- at -- Put the woman at her ease.
- athoot -- He wis left athoot a penny.
- without -- He was left without a penny.
- atween -- The lad wis atween the yett an the hoose.
- between -- The young man was between the gate and the house.
- auld -- Auld lang syne.
- old -- The (good) old days.
- awa -- The quine's awa frae her hame.
- away -- The girl is away from her home.
- awn -ed -- She awns aa that land.
- own -- She owns all that land.
- aye -- Thay aye get thair ain wey.
- always, still -- They always get their own way.
eedit- back
- back
- bade
- lived
- baest
- animal
- baffies
- slippers
- bairn
- child
- baith
- both
- batters
- book cover
- be
- be
- been
- been
- begin
- begin
- begoud
- began
- begun
- begun
- ben
- mountain
- ben
- inside, etc.
- beuk
- book
- bidden
- lived
- bide
- live, reside
- big
- big
- birl -t
- turn
- bit
- place
- bodie
- body
- boy
- boy
- but
- but
- by, bi
- by
eedit- caa -d
- call
- cairie, cairiet
- carry
- cam
- came
- can
- can, may
- caur
- car
- ceity
- city
- cheil
- fellow
- childer
- children
- chynge -d
- change
- close
- close
- clype, clypit
- tell
- colour
- colour
- come
- come
- cry -ed (or
- cried)
- call
- cuid
- could
- cut -tit
- cut
eedit- dae
- do
- dis
- does
- daff -t
- play
- daunder -t
- wander
- day
- day
- did
- did
- different
- different
- div
- do
- docht
- was able
- doun
- down
- dow
- be able
- duin
- done
eedit- ee(n)
- eye(s)
- e'en
- even
- efter
- after
- eik -it
- add
- en(d)
- end
- eneuch
- enough
- ensaumple
- example
- ett
- ate
- ettle, ettelt
- try
eedit- face
- face
- faimlie
- family
- faither
- father
- fan(nd) (pt)
- found
- faur
- far
- feet
- feet
- few
- few
- fin(nd)
- find
- first
- first
- flit -tit
- move
- follae -d
- follow
- for
- for
- forbye
- also
- form
- form
- fower
- four
- fowk
- people
- frae, fae
- from
- fuid
- food
- fun(nd) (pp)
- found
eedit- gaed
- went
- gaen
- gone
- gang, gae
- go
- gar -t (v)
- cause
- gat (pt)
- got
- gate
- way
- gaun, gaein
- going
- gey
- pretty, rather
- gey an
- very
- gie -d
- give
- gif, if
- if
- gin
- if
- gin until
- before, when, that
- git
- get
- glaicket
- stupid, awkward
- goanie no do that, goanie no
- please do not do that
- gotten (pp)
- get
- group
- group
- growe -d
- grow
- guid
- good
eedit- hae
- have
- haed
- had
- haen
- had
- haes
- has
- hail
- whole
- hame
- home
- hantle
- number
- hard
- hard
- haun(d)
- hand
- he
- he
- heich
- high
- heid
- head
- help -it
- help
- her
- her
- here
- here
- hers
- hers
- hie
- high
- him
- him
- hindmaist
- last
- hint
- back
- hird
- shepherd
- his
- his
- hit
- it
- hits
- its
- hiv
- have
- hoose
- house
eedit- I, A
- I
- idea
- idea
- ile
- oil
- ilka
- each, every
- important
- important
- in
- in
- inti
- into
- intil
- into
- is
- is
- ither
- other
- iver
- ever
- iverie
- every
eedit- jee -d
- move
- juist
- just
eedit- keep -it
- keep
- ken -t
- know
- kep -pit
- catch
- kin(d)
- kind
- kintra
- country
- kythe -d
- appear, seem
eedit- laddie
- boy
- lairn -t
- learn
- landwart
- rural
- lang
- long
- lassie
- girl
- last
- last
- lat
- let
- late
- late
- latten (pp)
- let
- lan(d)
- land
- lea(ve)
- leave
- leet
- list
- left (adj)
- left
- left (pt, pp)
- left
- leive -d
- live
- lest -it
- last
- leuk -it
- look
- licht
- light
- life
- life
- like, lik
- like
- line
- line
- little
- little
- loun
- boy, man, rogue
- luit (pt)
- let
eedit- ma or my
- my
- made or makkit
- made
- maet
- food
- mair
- more
- maist
- most
- mak
- make
- man
- man
- maucht
- might
- maun
- must
- me
- me
- men
- men
- mibbie
- maybe
- micht
- may, might
- mile
- mile
- mine(s)
- mine
- mither
- mother
- monie
- many
- muckle
- big, large
- muckle
- much
- muisic
- music
- muve -d
- move
eedit- -na
- (n't)
- na
- no
- nae
- no
- name
- name
- naur
- near
- nearhaun
- close
- need -it
- need
- neist
- next
- new
- new
- nicht
- night
- niver
- never
- no
- not
- nor
- than
- nou
- now
- nummer
- number
eedit- o
- of
- oor
- our
- oot
- out
- oot ower
- over
- open -t
- open
- or
- or
- or
- until, before
- ower
- over, too
eedit- page
- page
- pairt
- part
- paper
- paper
- pat (pt)
- put
- pictur
- picture
- pit
- put
- pitten (pp)
- put
- plant
- plant
- play -ed
- play
- pree -’d
- try, taste, sample
- prieve -d
- try, taste, sample
- pruve -d
- prove
- puckle
- few
- pynt
- point
eedit- quine
- girl
eedit- rael
- real
- ran
- ran
- reid
- red
- read
- read
- read
- read
- read (pt)
- read
- repone -d
- reply
- richt
- right
- rig
- spine, ridge
- rin
- run
- river
- river
- run (pp)
- run
eedit- sae
- so
- saicont
- second
- sall
- shall
- same
- same
- sang
- song
- saw
- saw
- say
- say
- sayed
- said
- scunner
- dislike
- schuil
- school
- screive
- letter
- screive -d
- write
- sea
- sea
- see
- see
- seen
- seen
- sentence
- sentence
- set (p, pt, pp)
- set
- shaw -ed
- show
- she
- she
- shuid
- should
- sic
- such
- siccan
- such
- side
- side
- smaa
- small
- sneck -it
- latch, fasten
- sned -dit
- sned, cut
- some
- some
- something
- something
- soond
- sound
- spaek
- speak
- spoken
- spoken
- spak
- spoke
- speir -ed
- ask
- spell -t
- spell
- stap -pit
- stop, stuff
- start -it/stert-it
- start
- state
- state
- steek -it
- shut
- steid
- stead
- stell -t
- place
- stert, start
- start
- stey -d (in / at)
- live
- stop -pit
- stop, halt
- story
- story
- study, studied
- study
eedit- tae
- too
- taen
- taken
- tak
- take
- talk -ed
- talk
- tell -t
- tell
- teuk
- took
- thaim
- them
- thair
- their
- than
- then
- thay
- they
- the
- the
- thegither
- together
- thing
- thing
- think
- think
- thocht (pt, pp)
- thought
- thonder
- there
- thrapple
- throat
- three
- three
- throu
- through
- til, ti
- to
- till
- until
- time
- time
- traivel -t
- walk
- tree
- tree
- try -ed (or tried)
- try
- turn -t
- turn
- twa
- two
- twa-three
- few
- tyne, tint (pt/pp)
- lose, miss
eedit- uise -d (v)
- use
- uiss (n)
- use
- unner (prep)
- under
- up
- up
- us
- us
eedit- verra
- very
eedit- wad
- would
- walk
- walk
- walk -it
- walk
- wan
- one
- wan
- won
- want -it
- want
- war
- were
- wark
- work
- warld
- world
- watch -t
- watch
- watter
- water
- we
- we
- wean
- child
- wee
- little, small
- weel
- well
- wey
- way
- wheen
- many
- while
- while
- whiles
- sometimes
- white
- white
- wi
- with
- will
- will
- win
- win, gain
- wis
- was
- word
- word
- work
- work
- wrat(e)
- wrote
- write
- write
- written
- written
- wrocht (pt, pp)
- worked
- wun
- won
eedit- year
- year
- yet
- still
- yird
- earth
- yont
- along
- ye
- you
- you
- you
- young
- young
- yer
- your
- your
- your
- yers
- yours
- yours
- yours