Uiser:Illandancient/Maist uised Scots wirds

Outwith a monolingual Scots leid Corpus it is no easy tae ken those wirds that are uised maist. The twinty maist uised wirds on the Scots wikipedia are as follows:-

Maist uised wirds on Scots Wikipedia
Wird Rank Occurrences in Scots Wikipedia
the 1 412485
an 2 181363
in 3 157402
is 4 110237
tae 5 73775
wis 6 58768
as 7 46001
it 8 33623
bi 9 32245
wi 10 30670
on 11 30226
for 12 29869
frae 13 25995
that 14 22892
at 15 18159
or 16 17920
ceety 17 17732
are 18 17420
he 19 17004
haes 20 16370

The presence of "ceety" is due tae the naiture o encyclopedias and isnae representative o the leid generally.

By wey of comparison the maist uised wirds frae the tri-lingual Scottish Corpus (Scots, Scottish English an Standard English) are as follows:-

Maist uised wirds in the Scottish Corpus
Wird Rank Occurrences in Scottish Corpus Wikipedia rank Occurrences in Scots Wikipedia
the 1 253999 1 412485
to 2 92588 107 3269
and 3 91524 38 8040
of 4 83976 27 10561
in 5 77055 3 157402
that 6 75292 14 22892
it 7 59367 8 33623
an 8 43848 2 181363
is 9 38915 4 110237
for 10 37846 12 29869
on 11 36455 11 30226
be 12 26956 40 7974
as 13 22204 7 46001
at 14 21763 15 18159
he 15 21304 18 17004
tae 16 19108 5 73775
but 17 18800 46 6878
this 18 17255 32 9041
are 19 15837 17 17420
no 20 15333 91 3823
or 21 15289 16 17920
wi 26 9868 10 30670
wis 31 8523 6 58768
frae 44 3486 13 25995
bi 48 2665 9 32245
haes 55 1721 19 16370