Template:Scots verb conjugation table/doc

Syntax eedit

Long syntax

Copy the syntax below onto your Define: page and replace the text after the = with the appropriate verb forms.

{{Scots verb conjugation table
 |word               = the dictionary form of the word, e.g. thraw
 |third person       = the form you use after he/she/(h)it, e.g. thraws
 |simple past        = the basic past tense, e.g. thrawed
 |past participle    = the form you use in past tenses formed with haes/haed, e.g. thrawn
 |present participle = the form you use in the continuous/progessive, e.g. thrawin
Short syntax

{{Scots verb conjugation table|word=big||it|letter=g|simple past2=bug|past participle2=buggen}}

Parameters eedit

Parameter Status Description
word required The most basic form of the verb, e. g. big
1 required Enter es if the third-person present singular and narrative-present forms end in es (e. g. "He thrashes"), leave empty for s.
The parameter name 1= can be left out in single-line syntax.
2 required Enter the past-tense ending for regular verbs. Options are: ed, d, 'd, it, t and 't. Combine with letter if the stem consant is doubled, e. g. biggit.
The parameter name 2= can be left out in single-line syntax.
letter Used to double the stem consonant in regular verbs. For example, letter=g turns big into biggin and biggit
present participle Only required if the present participle is irregular (example needed).
Use letter instead if the present participle is regular but the stem consant is doubled, e. g. biggin.
present participle2 Can be used for alternative present-participle forms, like the short g'in for gaun (from tae gae)
past Used for irregular (strong) verbs whose simple past and past participle are the same, e. g. run (from tae rin)
Can be combined with simple past2, simple past3, past participle2 and past participle2 for alternative past forms.
simple past Used if the simple-past form is different from the past-participle form, e. g. gaed and gien (from tae gae). Use 2 (for regular verbs) or past (for irregular verbs) if they are the same.
Can be combined with simple past2 and simple past3 for alternative simple-past forms.
simple past2 Can be used for an alternative simple-past form. Can be combined with:
  • 2 if the verb also has a regular simple past and past participle, e. g. bug besides biggit (from tae big)
  • past if the verb has another irregular simple past and an equivalent past participle (example needed)
simple past3 Same as simple past2 but for a third simple-past form.
past participle Used if the past-participle form is different from the simple-past form, e. g. gaed and gien (from tae gae). Use 2 (for regular verbs) or past (for irregular verbs) if they are the same.
Can be combined with simple past2 and simple past3 for alternative simple-past forms.
past participle2 Can be used for an alternative past-participle form. Can be combined with:
  • 2 if the verb also has a regular simple past and past participle, e. g. bug besides biggit (from tae big)
  • past if the verb has another irregular simple past and an equivalent past participle (example needed)
past participle3 Same as past participle2 but for a third past-participle form.