Shetland Sheepdug

The Shetland Sheepdog, eften kent as the Sheltie, is a breed o herdin dug.

Shetland Sheepdog
Sable/White Shetland Sheepdog
Ither namesMiniature Collie
Shetland Collie (obsolete)
Dwarf Scotch Shepherd (obsolete)
Toonie dog (obsolete)
Common eik-namesSheltie
Oreegin Scotland
Wecht Male 16-20 lbs
Female 16-20 lbs
Hicht Male 13-16 inches
Female 13-16 inches
Coat lang double coat
Colour sable, mahogany sable,
shadit sable, tri-colored,
bi-black, bi-blue, blue merle,
bi-blue merle, sable merle,
color heidit white, double merle
Bruid size 4-6 puppies
Life span 12-13 years (average)[1]
Clessification / staundarts
FCI Group Sheepdogs, Section 1 #88 staundart
AKC Herdin staundart
ANKC Group 5 (Wirkin Dogs) staundart
CKC Group 7 (Herdin) staundart
KC (UK) Pastoral staundart
NZKC Wirkin staundart
UKC Herdin staundart
Domestic dug (Canis lupus familiaris)


  1. Cassidy, Dr. Kelly M. (1 Februar 2008). "Breed Longevity Data". Dog Longevity. Retrieved 1 Julie 2012.