
Uisin the form ablo will rename a page, flittin aa its history tae the new name. The auld teitle will become a reguidal page tae the new teitle. Airtins tae the auld page teitle willna be chynged; be siccar tae check for dooble or brucken reguidals. You ar responsible for makkin siccar that airtins continues tae pynt whaur thay ar supposed tae gang. Mynd that the page willna be flittit gin the'r aareadies a page at the new teitle, unless it is tuim or a reguidal and haes nae past edit history. This means that ye can rename a page back tae whaur it wis juist renamed frae gin ye mak a mistak, an ye canna owerwrite an existin page. WARNIN! This can be a drastic and unexpectit chynge for a popular page; please be siccar ye unnerstaun the consequences o this afore proceedin.