Wikimedia disambiguation page
Media is uised in sindry weys:
In communication:
- Recordin media, graith uised for tae hain information
- Prent media, communications deleevered via paper or cannas
- Electronic media, communications deleevered via electronic or electromechanical energy
- Multimedia, communications that incorporates multiple forms o information content an processin
- Hypermedia, media wi hyperlinks
- Deegital media, electronic media uised tae hain, transmeet, an receive deegitized information
- Published media, ony media setten furth tae the public
- Mass media, aw means o mass communication
- Braidcast media, communications deleevered ower mass electronic communication netwarks
- News media, mass media focused on communicatin newsins
- Mass media, aw means o mass communication
- New media, media that can anerly be creatit or uised wi the help o modren computer processin pouer
- Media for adverteesin, media-buyin, or the chuisin an buyin o TV airtime, radio airtime, newspaper etc. space, for adverteesin.
This disambiguation page leets airticles associatit wi the same title. If an internal link led ye here, ye mey wish tae chynge the link tae point directly tae the intendit airticle. |