Limmy's Show! wis a Scottish comedy sketch show broadcast on BBC Two Scotland, written an directit bi Brian Limond. Limond sternt as hissel an a variety o chairacters in a series o observational, surreal, daurk an streenge sketches. Limmy afttimes braks the fowert waw bi direckly talkin tae viewers throu the camera. The shaw stars Brian Limond, Paul McCole, Alan McHugh, Kirstin McLean an Ryan Fletcher. The first series featurt a ootthrou different promuivin cast, conseesting o Debbie Welsh, Tom Brogan an Raymond Mearns.

Limmy's Show!
Limmy's Show! title card
Creautit biBrian Limond
Written biBrian Limond
Directit biBrian Limond
StarninBrian Limond,

Paul McCole,
Alan McHugh,
Kirstin McLean,
Raymond Mearns (Series 1),
Tom Brogan (Series 1),

Debbie Welsh (Series 1),
Kintra o oreeginScotland
No. o series3 (1 Special)
No. o episodes20 (including pilot)
Executive producer(s)Jacqueline Sinclair
Producer(s)Rab Christie
Lenth30 minutes
Production company(s)The Comedy Unit
Oreeginal networkBBC Two Scotland
Oreeginal release11 Januar 2010 (2010-01-11) – 22 December 2013 (2013-12-22)



Limmy's Show! wis creautit as a eftercast o the sonse o Limmy's live performances at The Fringe an the Glasgow International Comedy Festival, thairsels based on his sonsie 2006 podcast Limmy's World of Glasgow. Several o the chairacters seen in Limmy's Show wis oreeginally creatit throu this podcast, includin Jacqueline McCafferty, Wee Gary and Dee Dee. The first series, at wis appruived follaein a sonsie pilot in Februar 2009, first aired on 11 Januar 2010 an ran weekly for six episodes. In July 2012, Limond furthset via Twitter that he wis currently filmin the third series, at wis aired frae 12 November 2012.[1] Additionally, a Christenmas special wis broadcast in December 2013. Limmy haes said that he disna want tae mak any maire episodes o the show efter the Christmas special. Limmy proponed a sitcom based aroond Falconhoof, aka "Ped", but the shaw wis turned doun bi BBC Scotland.[2]

Recurrin chairacters

  • Limmy – Limmy kythes as himsel makkin blunt observations on life an modern culture. "Hae ye ever noticed…?", "Ye know whit A hate?", "Whit would ye do?" an "Let me tell ye something aboot life..." is common intros tae thir harn-asteeps. He kythes as himsel in frequent, wee segments rangin frae wee pieces o satire tae dancin an complete non-sequitur jokes. On several occasions, he yaffs Top of the Pops performances, wi himsel keyed in iver the footage.
  • Jacqueline McCafferty – An ex-junkie wha spent three year o her life on heroin an a further five year on a methadone treatment programme. Jacqueline tries her best tae fit in wi the middle an upper classes an is gey snell aboot fowk leukin doun thair nose at her.
  • Falconhoof – The lown an conseestently weel-willie costumed host o "Adventure Call", a live televised caw-in show in whit he guides players throu a fantasy role-playing game fur tae win cash prizes. He raiglarly haes tae deal wi angry, wanexpected an whiles misleadin or threitenin cawers an siteeations, lik thaim wha hes wastit siller as a eftercome o cawin the premium rate service.
  • Derek "Dee Dee" Durie – A spaced-oot waster wha spends his time daein naethin but ower-analysin trivial things an bringin his kitchen tae life throu hallucination. He prefaces ilka monologue wi "Fockin..."
  • Raymond Day (series 2-3) – A croose, sadistic cold reading television psychic medium, based on Colin Fry, wha moots terrel information on parteecular memmers o his itherwise gay crowd.
  • Mr. Mulvaney (series 1 & special) – A ill-deedie 60-year-auld businessman ivverly comin up wi weys tae evit sturt wi the law.
  • Wee Gary (series 1) – A bairn wha spends his leaves an lunch times tryin tae capitalise upon his fellae pupils pauchlin thaim wi mense an wi sellin onything an awthing.
  • John Paul (series 1) – A wirkin class hauflin ned and aw-roond keelie wha terrorises an snuils his victims, guidin hissel lubbard-like. He hes a persistent, negative social media presence.
  • Major Boo Boo (series 2, anerly twa sketches) – An animated character, wha awtho is dressed in a major's uniform, disna actually seem tae be in the army. He afttimes maks mistaks, or "major boo boos".
  • The Spies (series 2) - Twa inept spies wha is intent on 'gettin somethin' on the ither ane.



Limmy's Show! haes won a Scottish BAFTA award for Best Entertainment Programme twace, the first time in November 2011[3] an the second in 2013 [4]


  3. "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 24 Februar 2021. Retrieved 7 December 2019.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  4. "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 12 December 2019. Retrieved 7 December 2019.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)