Internaitional Mither Tongue Day

The 21st o Februar wis proclaimt Internaitional Mither Tongue Day bi UNESCO in November 1999.

Shaheed Minar, or the Martyr's monument, locatit naur Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh, commemorates the sacrifice for the Bangla leid on 21st Februar, 1952

The Internaitional Mither Tongue Day is obserred ilka year in UNESCO memmer states an at its heidquarters fer tae forder lingueestic an cultural diversitie an monieleidism.

It is the internaitional recogneetion o Leid Martyrs' Day, commemoratit in Bangladesh syne 1952, whan monie Bengali-spaekin fowk wis massacred bi the Pakistani polis an airmie in Dhaka.

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