Hurricane Dorian

Hurricane Dorian is an extremely pouerfu tropical cyclone currently affecting the Bahamas an threitenin the Sootheastren Unitit States. The fowert name't storm, seicont hurricane, an first major hurricane o the 2019 Atlantic hurricane saison, Dorian developed frae a tropical wave on August 24 in the Central Atlantic. The seestem gradually intensified while muivin taewart the Lesser Antilles, afore becoming a hurricane on August 28. Fest intensification ensued, an on August 31, Dorian intensified intae a Category 4 major hurricane. On the follaein day, Dorian reakit Category 5 intensity, peaking wi ane-minute susteened winds o 185 mph (295 km/h) an a meenimum central pressure o 910 millibar (27 inHg) while makkin landfa in Elbow Cay, Bahamas, at 16:40 UTC. Dorian makit anither landfa on Grand Bahama seiveral oors later, naur the same intensity.

Hurricane Dorian
Category 5 major hurricane (SSHWS/NWS)
Hurricane Dorian at peak intensity over the Abaco Islands on September 1
FormedAugust 25, 2019
DissipatitSeptember 10, 2019
Heichest winds1-meenit susteened: 185 mph (295 km/h)
Lawest pressur910 mbar (hPa); 26.87 inHg
Damage$5.07 billion (2019 USD)
Areas affectedHispaniola, Florida, Bahamas, East Coast o the Unitit States, Atlantic Canadae
Pairt o the 2019 Atlantic hurricane saison