Function (mathematics)

relation atween a set o inputs an a set o permissible ootputs wi the property that each input is relatit tae exactly ane ootput

In mathematics, a function[1] is a relation atween a set o inputs an a set o permissible ootputs wi the property that ilka input is relatit tae exactly ane ootput. An example is the function that relates ilka real nummer x tae its square x2. The ootput o a function f correspondin tae an input x is denotit bi f(x) (reid "f o x"). In this example, if the input is −3, then the ootput is 9, an we mey write f(−3) = 9. The input variable(s) are sometimes referred tae as the argument(s) o the function.

A function f taks an input x, an returns an ootput f(x). Ane metaphor describes the function as a "machine" or "black box" that for each input returns a correspondin ootput.

References eedit

  1. The wirds cairt or mappin, transformation, correspondence, an operator are amang the mony that are sometimes uised as synonyms for function. Halmos 1970, p. 30.

See also eedit