Fog & Crottle
Fog & Crottle
The names o the sindry specie o fog an crottle waled for teetles is mair tae sinder ae plaunt frae anither nor tae threap that is the richt ane. For ordinar a weel-kent or leeterar name. Thare micht weel be guid grunds for chyngin the name waled for the teetle.
Hoastin girse
Tod's tail
Cup moss
Rousty crottle
Laverock's lint
The leet is sortit alphabetic bi Laitin name.
- Aspicilia calcarea
- Cetraria islandica Hoastin girse
- Cladonia coccifera White-fog
- Cladonia pyxidata
- Diphasiastrum alpinum
- Diphasiastrum complanatum
- Diploschites
- Evernia prunastri
- Hypogymnia physodes
- Lecanora tartarea Cutbear
- Lobaria pulmonaria Hazelraw Ither names: Deil’s ain, Jock an Jenny, Jock an Mary
- Lobaria scrobiculata Aikraw
- Lycopodium annotinum
- Lycopodium clavatum Tod’s tail Ither names: Knifes an forks, Fox-fit
- Ochrolechia parella Licht crottles
- Ochrolechia tartarea Cup moss Ither names: Korkir, Korkie,
- Ophioparma ventosa
- Parmelia caperata
- Parmelia conspersa
- Parmelia omphalodes Rousty Crottle
- Parmelia saxatilis Staneraw Ither names: Black crottle, Stane-auld
- Peltigera canina
- Platismatia glauca
- Polytrichum commune Ither names: Gowdilocks
- Polytrichum commune Laverock’s lint Ither names: Siller heather, Gowk-bere
- Pseudevernia furfuracea
- Ramalina siliquosa
- Ramalina subfarinacea
- Ramaria spp.
- Sphagnum Wall-raik Ither names: Marsh-fog, Peat-fog
- Tephromela atra
- Umbilicaria pustulata
- Usnea subfloridana Buckbeard
- Xanthoria parietina