Esperanto eedit

Pronunciation eedit

  • /ˈsata/
  • Hyphenation: ta

Adjective eedit

Sata (plural Sataj, accusative singular Satan, accusative plural Satajn)

  1. satiated, full
  2. satisfied

Derived terms eedit

Finnish eedit

(index sa)

Etymology eedit

Frae Proto-Finno-Ugric Lua error in Module:Links/templates at line 65: The language code "fiu-pro" is not valid... Cognates include Hungarian


an Estonie


. Oreeginally borrowed frae an Indo-Iranian leid; compare Avestan


, Sanskrit



Pronunciation eedit

Numeral eedit

kaksisataa, cardinal number and 100 Sata

  1. A/ane hundrit.

Declension eedit

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Wt/sco/attention

See also eedit

Anagrams eedit

Latin eedit

Etymology eedit



, perfect passive participle o


Pronunciation eedit

Noun eedit

Lua error in Module:La-nominal at line 2458: The parameter "2" is not used by this template.. (pluralonly)

  1. craps, standin grain

Inflection eedit

Seicont declension neuter.

Nummer Plural
nominative sata
genitive satōrum
dative satīs
accusative sata
ablative satīs
vocative sata