Chinese spirit possession

Cheenese speerit possession is æ practice performit bi speicialists cawed jitong (æ teep o shaman) in Cheenese fowk releegion thrimmlin i channelin o Cheenese godheids foo ur invitit tæ tak owerins o i speicialist's body, eftercomin in noticeable cheenges in body functions an behaviour. I maist famous Cheenese speerit possession practitioners teuk pairt in i Boxer Rebellion in i 1900s, fan Boxers claimit tæ be invulnerable tæ i cut o æ shairp knife, bullets, an cannon fire.

Æ Boxer Rebellion pamphlet makin i claim at Boxers hæ divine pouers



I Kinrick o Qi hæd shamans foo claimit tæ be possessit bi gods, an ey were creeticeesit as heterodox bi Confucians. Muivements bi shamans practicin speeritual possession aft led peasant rebellions agin i rulin dynasty throu Cheenese historie. I Boxer Rebellion wis een o mony peasant muivements led bi shamans foo claimit tæ be possessit bi speerits.[1] Fur i Boxers upo i Boxer Rebellion, speerit possession wis uisit fur pertective ettlins.[2]

Larry Clinton Thompson, in his buik "William Scott Ament an i Boxer Rebellion: Heroism, Hubris an i ”Ideal Missionary”, hæs æ description o i speerit possession practicit bi Chinese boxers:

... whirlin an twirlin o swuirds, veeolent prostrations, an chauntin incantations tæ Taoist an Buddhist speerits. Fan i speerit possession hæd buin achievit, i boxers woud obteen invulnerability an superhuman skeels wi swuirds an lance.[3]

Speeritual possession practitioners upo i Boxer Rebellion an 20t century weirfare claimit at ince ese incantations were chantit, Cheenese gods woud descend tæ offer pertection, sæ at cannon fire or gunshuits woudnæ hairm a body.[4]

See also

  • Chinese spiritual world concepts
  • Fuji (planchette writing)
  • Tangki
  • Wu (shaman)


  1. Joseph Esherick (1988). The origins of the Boxer Uprising. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. p. 39. ISBN 0-520-06459-3. Retrieved 28 Juin 2010.
  2. Paul A. Cohen (2003). China unbound: evolving perspectives on the Chinese past. Psychology Press. p. 95. ISBN 0-415-29823-7. Retrieved 28 Juin 2010.
  3. Thompson, Larry Clinton (8 Juin 2009). William Scott Ament and the Boxer Rebellion: heroism, hubris and the " Ideal Missionary". McFarland & Company. ISBN 978-0-7864-4008-5.
  4. 侯宜傑 (8 October 2010). 「神拳」義和團的真面目. 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司. p. 151. ISBN 978-986-221-531-9.