The Burmese leid (Burmese: မြန်မာဘာသာ; pronounced: [mjəmà bàðà]; MLCTS: myanma bhasa) is the offeecial leid o Burma. The mair the constitution offeecially recognises it as the Myanmar leid,[1] maist Inglis speakers continues tae refer tae the leid as Burmese. Burmese is the native leid o the Bamar an relatit sub-ethnic groups o the Bamar, as weel as that o some ethnic minorities in Burma like the Mon. Burmese is spaken bi 32 million as a first leid an as a seicont leid bi 10 million, particularly ethnic minorities in Burma an thaim in neibourin kintras.

Burmese is a tonal an pitch-register, lairgely monosyllabic an analytic leid, wi a Subject Object Verb wird order. It is a memmer o the Tibeto-Burman leid faimily, whilk is a subfaimily o the Sino-Tibetan leid faimily. The leid uises the Burmese script, derived frae the Old Mon script an, at the hinder end, frae the Brāhmī script.


  1. Constitution o the Republic o the Union o Myanmar (2008), Chapter XV, Provision 450