Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic poem, conseedered ane o the maist important pieces o Anglo-Saxon leetaratur. It descrives the life o Beowulf, a hero, an later king, o the Geats (pairt o modren day Swaden), an is set aroon Denmark an Swaden. It wis writ atweesh the 8t an 11t centuries bi an unbekent author.

The first page frae Beowulf (in Old English)



The main chairacter, Beowulf, a Geatish hero, hears aboot an unbeast, Grendel, wha is attackin the mead haw, Heorot, o the king o the Danes, Hrothgar. Beowulf decids tae fecht the unbeast sae traivels tae the aid o the Danes. He defeats Grendel an becams a hero. Houaniver, this enrages the beasts mither, wha Beowulf defeats in her underwater mere uisin a magic swuird. He gains muckle renown.

Later, he becams king o the Geats an efter 50 years, his kinrick is attackit bi a draigon. The draigon is diskivered tae be gairdin a muckle amoont o treisur. He defeats this draigon but dees o his wunds, lea'in his aw the treisur to his kinrick.