Abdalmalik o Morocco
Abdalmalik wis Sultan o Morocco in 1728, an member o the Alaouite Dynasty.
eeditSon o the great Mawlay Ismail, Abdalmalik wis earmarked as his faither's successor till he fell frae favour an wis replaced as heir bi his half-brither Ahmed ed Dehebi in 1727. Ahmed ed Dehebi proved quite ineffective as a ruler, an when it became public that he wis a drunkard, he wis owerthroun in a coup instigatit bi his awn wives. Abdalmalik wis proclaimed Sultan, but failed tae prevent his brither's escape an made the mistake o criticisin the fiercely loyal bukhari (the imperial black bodyguards). The bodyguard then threw their support behind the ousted Ahmed ed Dehebi, thus throwin Morocco intae yet anither civil war.
A compromise wis reached atween the brithers efter bloody fechtin, splittin Morocco intae twa kinricks. Ahmed ed Dehebi wis tae hae Meknes for his caipital while Abdalmalik wis tae rule frae Fez. No content wi this however, Abdalmalik arranged a face-tae-face meetin wi his brither wi the intention o assassinatin him.
The attempt failed an Abdalmalik wis sent off unner guard tae a remote prison, where several weeks later he wis assassinatit.
Precedit bi Ismail Ibn Sharif |
Sultan o Morocco 1728–1729 |
Succeedit bi Abu'l Abbas Ahmad II o Morocco |