An aa/an aw eedit

Thae wirds isna bi thairsels Scotchins an is fine Scots fan uised richt, aat is at the end ae ae sentence fragment. The Scotchin issue wis aat fowk wis jist fin an replacin the wird "also" athoot hinkin anent faar it wis in the sentence CiphriusKane (tauk) 08:42, 13 Julie 2023 (UTC)Reply

Alricht, jiust til nae be misleadin ah will mak it "and all". That Northern Irish Historian (tauk) 14:40, 15 Julie 2023 (UTC)Reply
Please stap tryin ti alter or get rid ae "anaa/anaw". It's perfectly fine as is an is actual Scots CiphriusKane (tauk) 23:44, 30 Julie 2023 (UTC)Reply
Limited uise? That Northern Irish Historian (tauk) 02:13, 31 Julie 2023 (UTC)Reply

Anent eedit

"Anent" means "concernin" or "regairdin". The "aboot" in Fit (unit) wis anent ae estimation, sae "aboot" is correct there CiphriusKane (tauk) 19:44, 21 Julie 2023 (UTC)Reply