Airticle 1: Aw human sowels is born free and equal in dignity and richts. They are tochered wi mense and conscience and shuld guide theirsels ane til ither in a speirit o britherheid.

Airticle 2: Awbody is entitelt til aw the richts and freedoms furthset in this Declaration wi nae distinction o ony kind, sic as race, colour, gender, language, religioun, political or ither opinioun, national or social origin, gear, birth or ither status. Mair, nae distinction shal be made on the grunds o the political, jurisdictional or international status o the countrie or territour a bodie belangs, whuther it be staundalane, trust, nane-self-governing or in ower ony ither haims o soverantie.

Airticle 3: Awbody hes the richt tae life, liberty and security o person.

Universal Declaration o Human Richts. Adoptit and proclaimed by General Assemlie resolution 217A (III) o 10 December 1948. [1]

Hou happie the puir at is hummle afore God, for theirs is the Kingdom o heiven!

Hou happie the dowff an dowie, for they will be comfotit!

Hou happie the douce an cannie, for they will faa the yird!

Hou happie them at yaups an thrists for richteousness, for they will get their sairin!

Hou happie the mercifu, for they will win mercie!

Hou happie the clean o hairt, for they will see God!

Hou happie the redders o strow an strife, for they will be caa'd the childer o God!

Hou happie them at hes dree'd misgydin for richteousness' sake, for their's is the Kingdom o Heiven!